Seznam filmů 1948

3 Godfathers
Three outlaws on the run discover a dying woman and her baby. They swear to bring the infant to safety across the desert, even at the risk of their own lives.

Stigmatized from infancy by the fate of his criminal father, a man is bruised and bullied until one night, in a fit of rage, he kills his most persistent tormentor. As the police close in around him, he makes a …

Who Killed Doc Robbin?
A group of people find themselves trapped in a creepy mansion, complete with secret passageways, a mad doctor and a murderous gorilla.

Easter Parade
On the day before Easter in 1911, Don Hewes is crushed when his dancing partner (and object of affection) Nadine Hale refuses to start a new contract with him. To prove Nadine's not important to him, Don acquires innocent new …

A Foreign Affair
In occupied Berlin, a US Army Captain is torn between an ex-Nazi cafe singer and the US Congresswoman investigating her.

Desperadoes of Dodge City
Rocky and the Land agent riders need to get an important message to the Army post. The message is stolen but Rocky knows one of the four men on the stagecoach has it. When Rocky and the four get trapped …

The Three Musketeers
Athletic adaptation of Alexandre Dumas' classic adventure about the king's musketeers and their mission to protect France.

Wake of the Red Witch
Captain Ralls fights Dutch shipping magnate Mayrant Sidneye for the woman he loves, Angelique Desaix, and for a fortune in gold aboard the Red Witch.

Vysněný dům pana Blandingse
Newyorský reklamní agent Jim Blandings žije s ženou Muriel, dvěma dospívajícími dcerami a služebnou v bytě na Manhattanu. Už delší dobu se každý den ráno probouzí s pocitem, že by měl něco ve svém životě změnit. A najednou má jasno, …

Blood on the Moon
Down-and-out cowhand Jim Garry is asked by his old friend Tate Riling to help mediate a cattle dispute. When Garry arrives, however, it soon becomes clear that Riling has not been entirely forthright. Garry uncovers Riling's plot to dupe local …

The Velvet Touch
After accidentally killing her lecherous producer, a famous actress tries to hide her guilt.

The Black Arrow
A young British nobleman comes back from fighting in the War of the Roses to discover that his father has been murdered by an old family friend who is now an outlaw. However, he becomes suspicious about the exact circumstances …

The Amazing Mr. X
On the beach one night, Christine Faber, two years a widow, thinks she hears her late husband Paul calling out of the surf...then meets a tall dark man, Alexis, who seems to know all about such things. After more ghostly …

Los Tres Huastecos
This is the story of three brothers - a priest, a soldier, and an outlaw - that are raised separately by their godfathers once their mother dies. They cross their paths again when the soldier and the priest move into …

The Return of Wildfire
In this above-average western, a villainous land grabber attempts to force horse ranchers to sell their ranches so he can become king of the horse market. One stubborn rancher refuses to relent and his killed. His two surviving sisters then …

Ustedes los ricos
Pepe el Toro is married to Celia la Chorreada and they have two children.

James Stewart, Farley Granger a John Dall vytvořili ústřední postavy v akcí nabitém thrilleru inspirovaném skutečnou událostí: případem Leopold a Loeb. Granger a Dall hrají dva kamarády, kteří uškrtí svého spolužáka jen tak, pro pocit vzrušení. Poté uspořádají honosnou párty …

Superman comes to Earth as a child and grows up to be his home's first superhero with his first major challenge being to oppose The Spider Lady.

Good Sam
Sam Clayton has a good heart and likes to help out people in need. In fact, he likes to help them out so much that he often finds himself broke and unable to help his own family buy the things …

Adventures of Don Juan
Spanish Lothario Don Juan, the legendary lover and adventurer returns to Spain following a scandal and comes to the aid of his queen, who is under threat from sinister forces.

Mexican Hayride
Two con men selling phony stock flee to Mexico ahead of the law, where they run into a woman friend from their earlier days, who is now a bullfighter.

Zloději kol
Italský film, který na pozadí příběhu nezaměstnaného dělníka podává realistický obraz sociálních poměrů dnešní Itálie. Hlavnímu hrdinovi filmu hrozí, že hned po nastoupení práce v novém zaměstnání, které těžce získal, se znovu ocitne na dlažbě, poněvadž mu kdosi ukradl jízdní …

Johanka z Arcu
Ve Francii 15. století slyší lotrinská venkovská dívka (Ingrid Bergman) hlasy, které ji nabádají, aby Francii vedla k vítězství nad anglickými vetřelci. Provinční úředníci, na něž dívka hluboce zapůsobí, ji pošlou ke dvoru Karla VII. (José Ferrer) na hrad Chinon. …

Arch of Triumph
In the winter of 1938, Paris is crowded with refugees from the Nazis, who live in the black shadows of night, trying to evade deportation. One such is Dr. Ravic, who practices medicine illegally and stalks his old Nazi enemy …

State of the Union
An industrialist is urged to run for President, but this requires uncomfortable compromises on both political and marital levels.

Nevěrně tvá
Že je mi nevěrná? To za prvé není možné a za druhé jí to neprojde! Americká komedie o žárlivém manželovi, nic netušící manželce a plánu pomsty vskutku ďábelském.

Portrait of Jennie
Eben Adams je umělecký malíř z New Yorku, kterému se nedaří najít inspiraci pro malování. To se vše změní, když jednoho dne potká mladou dívku Jennie Appleton, do které se zamiluje. Později však zjistí, že Jennie není jen tak obyčejná …

Behind Locked Doors
Behind the locked doors of a mental institution resides crooked politico Judge Drake, free from prosecution so long as he pretends to be crazy. To get the goods on Drake, private detective Ross Stewart has himself committed to the asylum …

Poklad na Sierra Madre
Na dva tulácké smolaře (Humphrey Bogart a Tim Holt) a mrzutého zlatokopa (Walter Huston) se usměje štěstí a objeví zlato. Ovládne je chamtivost, která zcela pomate jejich mysl. Film získal dva Oscary, za režii a scénář. Bogart sice nedostal žádnou …

Loaded Pistols
A singing cowboy clears a boy accused of murder by finding the real killer.