Seznam filmů 1946

Život je krásný

Život je krásný

Na počátku příběhu slyšíme modlitby za muže jménem George Bailey (James Stewart), který chce v předvečer Štědrého dne z vlastní vůle ukončit život. Protože se za něj modlí mnoho lidí, nebeské síly je vyslyší a chystají se na Zem vyslat …

The Harvey Girls

The Harvey Girls

On a train trip out west to become a mail-order bride, Susan Bradley meets a cheery crew of young women traveling out to open a "Harvey House" restaurant at a remote whistle-stop.

91:an Karlsson

91:an Karlsson

The Squadron leader throws big a party where one of his colleagues is going to demonstrate a new type of explosive substance.

The Chase

The Chase

Chuck Scott dostane práci šoféra u drsňáka Eddieho Romana, ale Chuckova spolupráce s Eddieho ustrašenou manželkou se stane noční můrou.

Green for Danger

Green for Danger

In the midst of Nazi air raids, a postman dies on the operating table at a rural hospital. But was the death accidental?

Road to Utopia

Road to Utopia

While on a ship to Skagway, Alaska, Duke and Chester find a map to a secret gold mine, which had been 'stolen' by thugs. In Alaska to recover her father's map, Sal Van Hoyden falls in with Ace Larson, who …



In this thriller, psychiatrist Dr. Cross kills his wife and expects to get away with murder, until he discovers that the slaying was observed by a next-door neighbor, Janet Stewart. As Janet attempts to convince her husband of the doctor's …

Skandál v Paříži

Skandál v Paříži

Sledujeme život Eugena Vidocqa od narození ve vězení, dětství v bídě, dospívání, kdy střídá zločiny s pobyty ve vězení, po život ze zákonem v patách. Romantické melodrama zaplňují mladé ženy a lásky, útěky, pilník zapečený v narozeninovém dortu, krádeže klenotů …



A female escapee from a reform school joins a pickpocket academy in Paris.

The Flying Serpent

The Flying Serpent

A demented archaeologist discovers a living, breathing serpent creature known to the Aztecs as Quetzalcoatl and accidentally kills his wife by giving her one of the beast's feathers, causing the creature to track her down and slaughter her. Using this …

Hluboký spánek

Hluboký spánek

Soukromý detektiv z Los Angeles, Philip Marlowe se ujímá případu vydírání a sleduje stopu, jež jej zavádí mezi vrahy, lumpy z nočních klubů, autory pornografie, zkažené zbohatlíky a další. Ale Chandlerův legendární hrdina vše vyřeší v naprosto nesentimentálním a drsném …

The Well Groomed Bride

The Well Groomed Bride

A man and a woman fight over the last bottle of champagne left in San Francisco--she wants it for a wedding, and he wants to use it to christen a ship.

Of Human Bondage

Of Human Bondage

A medical student with a club foot falls for a beautiful but ambitious waitress. She soon leaves him, but gets pregnant and comes back to him for help.

Pochybná žena

Pochybná žena

Thriller režiséra Alfreda Hitchcocka zaujme působivým a vynalézavým zpracováním, skvělým scénářem a úžasným vedením kamery (Ted Tetzlaff). Vynikající jsou i herecké výkony Ingrid Bergmanové (Alicia), Caryho Granta (Devlin) a Clauda Rainse (Alexander Sebastian).

La otra

La otra

A mousy, poor manicurist seeks to switch places with her more glamorous, wealthy twin sister.

Peter and the Wolf

Peter and the Wolf

Disney's animated adaptation of Prokofiev's masterpiece, in which every character is represented musically by a different instrument. Young Peter decides to go hunting for the wolf that's been prowling around the village. Along the way, he is joined by his …

Kráska a zvíře

Kráska a zvíře

Téměř zkrachovalý obchodník žije na venkově se svým synem Ludovicem a třemi dcerami. Dvě z nich, Félicie a Adelaide, jsou opravdové fúrie: sobecké, domýšlivé a zlé. Zneužívají svou sestru Belle jako služebnici. Jednoho dne, cestou domů z obchodů, se kupec …

The Bamboo Blonde

The Bamboo Blonde

A pilot of a B 29 meets Louise Anderson, a singer in a New York nightclub. He falls in love with her, but he had to leave next day for action in the Pacific. He lets paint her picture on …

Strangler of the Swamp

Strangler of the Swamp

A number of swamp land men have died by strangulation and the inhabitants believe that an innocent man they hanged is seeking revenge on all of the male descendants of those responsible for his death. Maria, granddaughter of the innocent …

Nejlepší léta našeho života

Nejlepší léta našeho života

Je po II. světové válce, a tři bývalí vojáci se vrací domů, kde žijí jejich rodiny a známí. Seznámí se spolu na palubě přepravního letadla, které letí do jejich města. Al Stephenson (Frederic March) je v civilu bankovní úředník, pilot …

Ding Dong Williams

Ding Dong Williams

Ding Dong Williams, a clarinet player who can neither read nor write music is employed at a motion picture studio. The studio plans to use him and his six-piece band but his musical deficiencies are discovered and the plan scrapped. …

Courage of Lassie

Courage of Lassie

Bill's separated from his litter, making friends with the wild creatures until he's found and adopted by young Kathie. An accident separates him from her, and he's drafted into K-9 duty in the trenches until battle fatigue takes its toll …



At a track near Rome, shoeshine boys are watching horses run. Two of the boys Pasquale, an orphan, and Giuseppe, his younger friend are riding. The pair have been saving to buy a horse of their own to ride...



Pro Mirandu Wellsovou se stěhování do New Yorku, kde žije na panství Dragonwyck se svým bohatým bratrancem Nicholasem, zdá jako sen. Situace se však postupně stává noční můrou. Pozoruje Nicholasovy problematické vztahy s nájemci z řad farmářů i s jeho …

Pošťák zvoní vždycky dvakrát

Pošťák zvoní vždycky dvakrát

Film vycházející z příběhu Jamese M. Caina se točí kolem destruktivního vztahu dvou milenců. Jejich problémy se nakupí poté, co skoncují s manželem, který jim překáží. Nick Smith, majitel restaurace u silnice, si najme Franka Chamberse jako pomocníka. Frank se …

Down Missouri Way

Down Missouri Way

When an agricultural professor returns home to the farm with her scientifically-raised mule for a needed rest, they find themselves caught up in a movie being filmed in the Ozarks.

One Way to Love

One Way to Love

A Chicago team of radio scriptwriters must split up when he takes a job with his bride-to-be's father, and the other must write commercial jingles.

Magnificent Doll

Magnificent Doll

While packing her belongings in preparation of evacuating the White House because of the impending British invasion of Washington D.C., Dolly Payne Madison thinks back on her childhood, her first marriage, and later romances with two very different politicians, Aaron …

Ritual in Transfigured Time

Ritual in Transfigured Time

A social event choreographed in the manner of a dance, illuminated by concepts drawn from Greek legend; one of filmmaker Maya Deren's most intriguing works.

The Time of Their Lives

The Time of Their Lives

Two ghosts, who were mistakenly branded as traitors during the Revolutionary War, return to 20th century New England to retrieve a letter from George Washington which would prove their innocence.