Seznam filmů 1944

The Lodger

The Lodger

In Victorian era London, the inhabitants of a family home with rented rooms upstairs fear the new lodger is Jack the Ripper.

The Curse of the Cat People

The Curse of the Cat People

Amy, the young, friendless daughter of Oliver and Alice Reed, befriends her father's late first wife and an aging, reclusive actress.

The Invisible Man's Revenge

The Invisible Man's Revenge

A fugitive, dangerous madman reaches an English village where he confronts his former partner who left him for dead in the jungle after their discovery of a diamond mine. When the former partner also claims to have since lost the …

The Mummy's Ghost

The Mummy's Ghost

An Egyptian high priest travels to America to reclaim the bodies of ancient Egyptian princess Ananka and her living guardian mummy Kharis. Learning that Ananka's spirit has been reincarnated into another body, he kidnaps a young woman of Egyptian descent …

The Mummy's Curse

The Mummy's Curse

After being buried in quicksand for the past 25 years, Kharis is set free to roam the rural bayous of Louisiana, as is the soul of his beloved Princess Ananka, still housed in the body of Amina Mansouri, who seeks …

The Way Ahead

The Way Ahead

A mismatched collection of conscripted civilians find training tough under Lieutenant Jim Perry and Sergeant Ned Fletcher when they are called up to replace an infantry battalion that had suffered casualties at Dunkirk.

Captain America

Captain America

Superhero Captain America battles the evil forces of the archvillain called The Scarab, who poisons his enemies and steals a secret device capable of destroying buildings by sound vibrations.

Return of the Ape Man

Return of the Ape Man

The discovery of a perfectly preserved caveman prompts a mad scientist to attempt a daring brain transplant.

Voodoo Man

Voodoo Man

A mad doctor (Bela Lugosi) and his helpers (John Carradine, George Zucco) lure girls to his lab for brain work, to help his wife.

La torre de los siete jorobados

La torre de los siete jorobados

In Madrid, Spain, at the end of the 19th century, the young and reckless Basilio seems to be the only person who perceives the spectral presence of Professor Robinsón de Mantua, who begs him to take care of his niece …

The Lady and the Monster

The Lady and the Monster

A millionaire's brain is preserved after his death by a scientist and his two assistants, only to create a telepathic monster.

Tawny Pipit

Tawny Pipit

Jimmy Bancroft, a fighter pilot, who is recovering from injuries sustained during the Battle of Britain, and Hazel Court, a nurse, come across a pair of rare birds nestling in a field. After a run in with the army, and …

Music for Millions

Music for Millions

Six-year-old "Mike" goes to live with her pregnant older sister, Babs, who plays string bass in José Iturbi's orchestra. And the orchestra is rapidly turning completely female, what with the draft. As the orchestra travels around the country, Babs' fellow …

In the Meantime, Darling

In the Meantime, Darling

A young bride who comes from a rich family has a hard time adjusting to life in a boarding house with other soldiers and their wives. Her spoiled ways cause resentment from the other wives and problems with her husband.

Šarlatový dráp

Šarlatový dráp

Vesničané malé kanadské vesnice La Mort Rouge jsou vystrašeni. V jejich okolí dochází k nevysvětlitelným útokům na dobytek. Zvířata mají podřezaná hrdla podezřelým způsobem. Vesničané jsou přesvědčeni, že jde o čin legendárního monstra La Mort Rouge, které žije v bažinách …

Experiment Perilous

Experiment Perilous

In 1903, Doctor Huntington Bailey meets a friendly older lady during a train trip. She tells him that she is going to visit her brother Nick and his lovely young wife Allida. Once in New York, Bailey hears that his …

The Three Caballeros

The Three Caballeros

Donald dostane k narozeninám krabici se třemi dárky. Dárky, filmový projektor, vyskakovací knížka a pinata, zavedou Donalda na divoké dobrodružství po Mexiku a Jižní Americe.

Plynové lampy

Plynové lampy

Mladá Paula Alquist (Ingrid Bergman) se provdá za pianistu Gregory Antona (Charles Boyer) a odstěhuje se s ním do domu, kde přišla za podivných okolností o život její teta. Prvotní pohoda novomanželů začíná pomalu opadat. Noc co noc slýchá Paula …

Setkáme se v St. Louis

Setkáme se v St. Louis

St. Louis 1903. Bohatá rodina Smithových má čtyři krásné dcery. Sedmnáctiletá Esther se zamilovala do Johna, chlapce, který se právě přistěhoval do sousedství, ten si jí ale zpočátku sotva všímá. A pak přichází zpráva, že paní Smithová dostala skvělou práci …



an-Erik je v posledním ročníku gymnázia a čeká ho maturita. Největší hrůzu má jako spousta jiných ze sadistického latináře Caliguly, který si na něj obzvlášť zasedl. Jednoho večera potká Jan-Erik trafikantku Berthu. Jelikož je silně opilá, doprovodí ji Jan-Erik domů. …

The Whistler

The Whistler

A guilt-ridden man blames himself for his wife's death and secretly pays an assassin to kill him. But then he finds out that his wife isn't dead at all. And now the assassin is on his trail, with no way …



Étericky krásná Laura, chladný detektiv Mark, prominentní žurnalista zjemnělých mravů Waldo nebo přihlouplý Lauřin snoubenec Shelby jsou hrdiny kriminálního thrilleru, který více než tradičně mordýřskou historku z černé kroniky připomíná logice vzdálenou a tajemstvím prodchnutou halucinaci. Premingerův první velký úspěch …

Pojistka smrti

Pojistka smrti

Vypočítavá Phyllis Dietrichsonová (Barbara Stanwyck) a její milenec - úlisný pojišťovací agent (Fred McMurray) donutí pana Dietrichsona uzavřít životní pojistku na dvojnásobné odškodnění. Phyllisin manžel netuší, že podpisem pojistné smlouvy na svůj život zpečetil svůj další osud. Oba spiklenci naplánují …

La trepadora

La trepadora

Romantic triangles between city folk and country folk, with new money/old money issues complicating the story.

Barbary Coast Gent

Barbary Coast Gent

Honest Plush Brannon is a con-man thrown out of the Barbary Coast in San Francisco in the 1880s and headed for the gold rush region of Nevada. He discovers a real mine which lead to several complications.

La Guerra de los Pasteles

La Guerra de los Pasteles

Musical comedy about a pastry chef and his daughter in the 1830s

The Monster Maker

The Monster Maker

Mad scientist injects his enemies with acromegaly virus, causing them to become hideously deformed.

The White Cliffs of Dover

The White Cliffs of Dover

American Susan travels with her father to England for a vacation. Invited to a society ball, Susan meets Sir John Ashwood and marries him after a whirlwind romance. However, she never quite adjusts to life as a new member of …

The Memphis Belle

The Memphis Belle

This WW2 documentary centers on the crew of the American B-17 Flying Fortress Memphis Belle as it prepares to execute a strategic bombing raid on Nazi submarine pens in Wilhelmshaven, Germany.

The Climax

The Climax

Dr. Hohner, theatre physician at the Vienna Royal Theatre, murders his mistress, the star soprano when his jealousy drives him to the point of mad obsession. Ten years later, another young singer reminds Hohner of the late diva and his …