Seznam filmů 1932

Murders in the Rue Morgue

Murders in the Rue Morgue

Šílený doktor Mirakle unáší mladé ženy a dělá na nich pokusy s opičí krví, aby dokázal příbuznost mezi lidmi a opicemi. Opakovaně se však setkává s neúspěchem, neboť ženy umírají. Jednoho dne se setkává s mladým studentem medicíny Pierrem Dupinem …

Jsem uprchlý galejník

Jsem uprchlý galejník

Sny veterána z první světové války stát se mistrem architektem se rozplynou v chladném světle ekonomické reality. Situace se ještě zhorší, když je falešně odsouzen za zločin a poslán pracovat do řetězového gangu.

The Old Dark House

The Old Dark House

Jedné černé noci Philipa a Margaret Wavertonovi, jejich přítele Rogera Penderela, Sira Williama Porterhouse a jeho přítelkyni Gladys Perkinsovou zaskočí silná bouře a jsou nuceni najít si útočiště ve starém domě na kraji silnice. Brzy ale zjišťují, že s rodinou, …



In 1920s Chicago, Italian immigrant and notorious thug, Antonio 'Tony' Camonte, aka Scarface, shoots his way to the top of the mobs while trying to protect his sister from the criminal life.

The Rich Are Always with Us

The Rich Are Always with Us

A wealthy couple's marriage is falling apart due to the man's infidelity. The wife's male friend has long loved her and sees his big opportunity.

Vášeň generála Yena

Vášeň generála Yena

Americká misionářka Megan Davis přijíždí během čínské občanské války do Šanghaje, aby se tu provdala za doktora Roberta Strifea. Svatba je však odložena, když se Robert vydává zachránit děti do sirotčince situovaného v ohnisku hlavních bojů, a na naléhání bere …



A Gypsy violinist searches for her missing fiance, a circus worker who recently won a sweepstakes prize and was kidnapped by a hypnotist.

If I Had a Million

If I Had a Million

An elderly business tycoon, believed to be dying, decides to give a million dollars each to eight strangers chosen at random from the phone directory.

Flowers and Trees

Flowers and Trees

A jealous stump threatens two trees that are in love by starting a forest fire. When the rain comes and puts out the fire the forest revives and celebrates the wedding.

Behind the Mask

Behind the Mask

A Secret Service agent nabs a scalpel-happy doctor who runs drugs in caskets.

I Was Born, But...

I Was Born, But...

Two young brothers become the leaders of a gang of kids in their neighborhood. Ozu's charming film is a social satire that draws from the antics of childhood as well as the tragedy of maturity.



Zrůdy na samém počátku zvukové éry vyprodukovalo největší z hollywoodských majors, MGM, aby vzápětí sám jeho boss, veliký Louis B. Mayer, nechal zničit originál a toto dílo na celých třicet let odsoudil k zapomnění. Důvod, proč tento film tolik popudil …

Lidé v hotelu

Lidé v hotelu

„Co vlastně člověk dělá v hotelu Grand? Jí. Spí. Občas si zaflirtuje. Občas zatančí. Jsou tu stovky dveří, které vedou do stejné haly. Vlastně neznáte ani osobu bydlící vedle vás. Pak odjedete a někdo další si pronajme váš pokoj. Spí …

The Rider of Death Valley

The Rider of Death Valley

Rigby, Larribee, and Grant each have one third of Bill Joyce's map locating his gold mine. The three plus Joyce's sister Helen head for the mine. An accident with a runaway horse carrying supplies leaves them stranded in the desert …

Out of Singapore

Out of Singapore

While a ship's captain is being slowly poisoned, a gang of thugs try to take over the ship.

Blonde Venus

Blonde Venus

In an effort to be able to afford expensive treatment for her gravely ill American husband, a retired German entertainer returns to the cabaret as Blonde Venus and catches the eye of a wealthy politician.

The Secrets of Wu Sin

The Secrets of Wu Sin

A murder mystery about the smuggling of illegal Chinese aliens into America through Chinatown.

The Age of Consent

The Age of Consent

College co-eds struggle with the moral, societal and human aspects of romance.

Love Me Tonight

Love Me Tonight

A Parisian tailor goes to a château to collect a bill, only to fall for an aloof young princess living there.

Madison Square Garden

Madison Square Garden

Eddie Burke is a wise-guy pugilist whose talent is unevenly matched by his ego. Despite his character flaws, Eddie knows the meaning of loyalty. When his manager Doc Williams is offered the opportunity to stage a match at Madison Square …

Million Dollar Legs

Million Dollar Legs

A small country on the verge of bankruptcy is persuaded to enter the 1932 Los Angeles Olympics as a means of raising money.

A Passport to Hell

A Passport to Hell

Just prior to the outbreak of World War I, in the British West African town of Akkra, English woman Myra Carson becomes involved in a scandal and is deported. While Myra's ship is docked at Duala, in German West Africa, …

A Parisian Romance

A Parisian Romance

The Baron is an aging, cynical lady's man. He has a key-chain with about 50 keys to different women' apartments in Paris. He selects one at random to see who he will sleep with at night. His adversary is a …

Tarzan, syn divočiny

Tarzan, syn divočiny

Mladá Jane Parker cestuje do africké džungle spolu se svým otcem Jamesem, který se společně s lovcem Harry Holtem shání po slonovině. James Parker je pevně přesvědčen, že někde v divočině existuje sloní hřbitov, na němž zahálí spousta nevyužité slonoviny. …

My Pal, the King

My Pal, the King

The king of a European country, who is a child, meets the cowboy star of a traveling circus.

Bachelor's Affairs

Bachelor's Affairs

A middle aged millionaire falls in love with a gorgeous, but stupid blonde gold digger, being guided by her ever-present shrewish friend.They marry but the man soon regrets his rash move when she's constantly bored and looking for dancing and …

The Animal Kingdom

The Animal Kingdom

Tom Collier has had a great relationship with Daisy, but when he decides to marry, it is not Daisy whom he asks, it is Cecelia. After the marriage, Tom is bored with the social scene and the obligations of his …

Tombstone Canyon

Tombstone Canyon

A range lawman (Ken Maynard) unmasks a black-cloaked phantom killer (Sheldon Lewis).



Due to a possible cholera epidemic onboard, passengers on a ship are forced to disembark at Pago Pago, a small village on a Pacific island where it incessantly rains. Among the stranded passengers are Sadie Thompson, a prostitute, and Alfred …

A Farewell to Arms

A Farewell to Arms

A tale of the World War I love affair, begun in Italy, between American ambulance driver Lt. Frederic Henry and British nurse Catherine Barkley. Eventually separated by Frederic's transfer, tremendous challenges and difficult decisions face each as the war rages …