Sullivan, Kevin (1949)

Kevin Sullivan
  • Role: Herec
  • Datum narození: 26. října 1949
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Filmografie Kevin Sullivan

Film Rok Role
STARRCAST I: The Death of WCW Panel STARRCAST I: The Death of WCW Panel 2018 Herec
Eco Eco 2017 Herec
Wrestling with Disaster Wrestling with Disaster 2016 Herec
Back To The Territories: Florida Back To The Territories: Florida 2015 Herec
ECW - Unreleased Vol. 3 ECW - Unreleased Vol. 3 2015 Herec
Timeline: The History of WCW – 1996 – As told By Kevin Sullivan Timeline: The History of WCW – 1996 – As told By Kevin Sullivan 2013 Herec
Card Subject To Change Card Subject To Change 2010 Herec
Ring Roasts II: A Comical Tribute to Terry Funk Ring Roasts II: A Comical Tribute to Terry Funk 2009 Herec
Best of IPW Hardcore Wrestling, Vol. 1 Best of IPW Hardcore Wrestling, Vol. 1 2006 Herec
Legends Never Die Legends Never Die 2006 Herec
Hard Knocks : The Chris Benoit Story Hard Knocks : The Chris Benoit Story 2004 Herec
3PW A Funkin' Classic 3PW A Funkin' Classic 2003 Herec
FIP Return Of The Dream FIP Return Of The Dream 2003 Herec
WCW Starrcade 1999 WCW Starrcade 1999 1999 Herec
WCW Souled Out 1999 WCW Souled Out 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW SuperBrawl IX WCW SuperBrawl IX 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Uncensored 1999 WCW Uncensored 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Spring Stampede 1999 WCW Spring Stampede 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Slamboree 1999 WCW Slamboree 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW The Great American Bash 1999 WCW The Great American Bash 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Bash at The Beach 1999 WCW Bash at The Beach 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Road Wild 1999 WCW Road Wild 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Fall Brawl 1999 WCW Fall Brawl 1999 1999 Spisovatel
WCW Uncensored 1998 WCW Uncensored 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Road Wild 1998 WCW Road Wild 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Bash at The Beach 1998 WCW Bash at The Beach 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW The Great American Bash 1998 WCW The Great American Bash 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Slamboree 1998 WCW Slamboree 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Spring Stampede 1998 WCW Spring Stampede 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW SuperBrawl VIII WCW SuperBrawl VIII 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Souled Out 1998 WCW Souled Out 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Fall Brawl 1998 WCW Fall Brawl 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc 1998 WCW Halloween Havoc 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade 1998 WCW Starrcade 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW World War 3 1998 WCW World War 3 1998 1998 Spisovatel
WCW Spring Stampede 1997 WCW Spring Stampede 1997 1997 Spisovatel
nWo Souled Out 1997 nWo Souled Out 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW SuperBrawl VII WCW SuperBrawl VII 1997 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Uncensored 1997 WCW Uncensored 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Slamboree 1997 WCW Slamboree 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW The Great American Bash 1997 WCW The Great American Bash 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Bash at The Beach 1997 WCW Bash at The Beach 1997 1997 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Road Wild 1997 WCW Road Wild 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Fall Brawl 1997 WCW Fall Brawl 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW World War 3 1997 WCW World War 3 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade 1997 WCW Starrcade 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc 1997 WCW Halloween Havoc 1997 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXXV WCW Clash of The Champions XXXV 1997 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXXIV WCW Clash of The Champions XXXIV 1997 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Uncensored 1996 WCW Uncensored 1996 1996 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW SuperBrawl VI WCW SuperBrawl VI 1996 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Slamboree 1996 WCW Slamboree 1996 1996 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW The Great American Bash 1996 WCW The Great American Bash 1996 1996 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Hog Wild 1996 WCW Hog Wild 1996 1996 Spisovatel
WCW Fall Brawl 1996 WCW Fall Brawl 1996 1996 Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc 1996 WCW Halloween Havoc 1996 1996 Spisovatel
WCW World War 3 1996 WCW World War 3 1996 1996 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade 1996 WCW Starrcade 1996 1996 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXXIII WCW Clash of The Champions XXXIII 1996 Spisovatel
WCW Bash at the Beach 1996 WCW Bash at the Beach 1996 1996 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions XXXII WCW Clash of The Champions XXXII 1996 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of the Champions XXX WCW Clash of the Champions XXX 1995 Herec
WCW Uncensored 1995 WCW Uncensored 1995 1995 Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade 1995 WCW Starrcade 1995 1995 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXX WCW Clash of The Champions XXX 1995 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXXI WCW Clash of The Champions XXXI 1995 Spisovatel
WCW SuperBrawl V WCW SuperBrawl V 1995 Herec
WCW Slamboree 1995 WCW Slamboree 1995 1995 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW The Great American Bash 1995 WCW The Great American Bash 1995 1995 Spisovatel
WCW Bash at the Beach 1995 WCW Bash at the Beach 1995 1995 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Fall Brawl 1995 WCW Fall Brawl 1995 1995 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 WCW Halloween Havoc 1995 1995 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW World War 3 1995 WCW World War 3 1995 1995 Herec, Spisovatel
ECW When Worlds Collide ECW When Worlds Collide 1994 Herec
ECW The Night The Line Was Crossed ECW The Night The Line Was Crossed 1994 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions XXIX WCW Clash of The Champions XXIX 1994 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions XXVIII WCW Clash of The Champions XXVIII 1994 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXVII WCW Clash of The Champions XXVII 1994 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Fall Brawl 1994 WCW Fall Brawl 1994 1994 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Starrcade 1994 WCW Starrcade 1994 1994 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Bash at The Beach 1994 WCW Bash at The Beach 1994 1994 Spisovatel, Herec
WCW Slamboree 1994 WCW Slamboree 1994 1994 Herec
WCW Spring Stampede 1994 WCW Spring Stampede 1994 1994 Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc 1994 WCW Halloween Havoc 1994 1994 Herec
ECW Ultra Clash '93 ECW Ultra Clash '93 1993 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions XXIII WCW Clash of The Champions XXIII 1993 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXII WCW Clash of The Champions XXII 1993 Spisovatel
SMW Bluegrass Brawl 1993 SMW Bluegrass Brawl 1993 1993 Herec
WCW Slamboree 1993 WCW Slamboree 1993 1993 Spisovatel
SMW Fire on The Mountain 1993 SMW Fire on The Mountain 1993 1993 Herec
NWA Bloodfest 1993 • Night One NWA Bloodfest 1993 • Night One 1993 Herec
SMW Thanksgiving Thunder 1993 SMW Thanksgiving Thunder 1993 1993 Herec
ECW November to Remember 1993 ECW November to Remember 1993 1993 Herec
WCW SuperBrawl III WCW SuperBrawl III 1993 Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade 1992 WCW Starrcade 1992 1992 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XVIII WCW Clash of The Champions XVIII 1992 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XXI WCW Clash of The Champions XXI 1992 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XIX WCW Clash of The Champions XIX 1992 Spisovatel
WCW WrestleWar 1992 WCW WrestleWar 1992 1992 Spisovatel
WCW Beach Blast 1992 WCW Beach Blast 1992 1992 Spisovatel
WCW The Great American Bash 1992 WCW The Great American Bash 1992 1992 Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc 1992 WCW Halloween Havoc 1992 1992 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of the Champions XV: Knocksville USA WCW Clash of the Champions XV: Knocksville USA 1991 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XIV: Dixie Dynamite WCW Clash of The Champions XIV: Dixie Dynamite 1991 Spisovatel
TWA Autumn Armageddon '91 TWA Autumn Armageddon '91 1991 Herec
WCW The Great American Bash 1991 WCW The Great American Bash 1991 1991 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions XVI: Fall Brawl '91 WCW Clash of The Champions XVI: Fall Brawl '91 1991 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XVII WCW Clash of The Champions XVII 1991 Spisovatel
WCW SuperBrawl: Return from The Rising Sun WCW SuperBrawl: Return from The Rising Sun 1991 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc '91 WCW Halloween Havoc '91 1991 Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade 1991 WCW Starrcade 1991 1991 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XIII: Thanksgiving Thunder WCW Clash of The Champions XIII: Thanksgiving Thunder 1990 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions XI: Coastal Crush WCW Clash of The Champions XI: Coastal Crush 1990 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions X: Texas Shootout WCW Clash of The Champions X: Texas Shootout 1990 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Starrcade '90: Collision Course WCW Starrcade '90: Collision Course 1990 Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc '90 WCW Halloween Havoc '90 1990 Spisovatel
WCW Capital Combat: The Return of RoboCop WCW Capital Combat: The Return of RoboCop 1990 Spisovatel, Herec
NWA WrestleWar '90: Wild Thing NWA WrestleWar '90: Wild Thing 1990 Herec
WCW Starrcade '89: Future Shock WCW Starrcade '89: Future Shock 1989 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions IX: New York Knockout WCW Clash of The Champions IX: New York Knockout 1989 Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions VIII: Fall Brawl '89 WCW Clash of The Champions VIII: Fall Brawl '89 1989 Spisovatel
NWA Clash of The Champions VII: Guts & Glory NWA Clash of The Champions VII: Guts & Glory 1989 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions VI: Ragin' Cajun WCW Clash of The Champions VI: Ragin' Cajun 1989 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions V: St. Valentine's Massacre WCW Clash of The Champions V: St. Valentine's Massacre 1989 Spisovatel, Herec
NWA Chi-Town Rumble NWA Chi-Town Rumble 1989 Herec, Spisovatel
NWA The Great American Bash '89: The Glory Days NWA The Great American Bash '89: The Glory Days 1989 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Halloween Havoc '89 WCW Halloween Havoc '89 1989 Spisovatel
NWA WrestleWar '89: The Music City Showdown NWA WrestleWar '89: The Music City Showdown 1989 Herec, Spisovatel
NWA Live: March 18, 1989 NWA Live: March 18, 1989 1989 Herec
NWA Starrcade '88: True Gritt NWA Starrcade '88: True Gritt 1988 Herec, Spisovatel
WCW Clash of The Champions IV: Season's Beatings WCW Clash of The Champions IV: Season's Beatings 1988 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions III: Fall Brawl '88 WCW Clash of The Champions III: Fall Brawl '88 1988 Herec
WCW Clash of The Champions WCW Clash of The Champions 1988 Herec
NWA Clash of The Champions II: Miami Mayhem NWA Clash of The Champions II: Miami Mayhem 1988 Herec
NWA The Great American Bash '88: The Price for Freedom NWA The Great American Bash '88: The Price for Freedom 1988 Herec
The Third Annual NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament The Third Annual NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament 1988 Herec
NWA The Great American Bash '87: War Games NWA The Great American Bash '87: War Games 1987 Herec
The Second Annual NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament The Second Annual NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup Tag Team Tournament 1987 Herec
WCCW Labor Day Star Wars '86 WCCW Labor Day Star Wars '86 1986 Herec
NWA Battle of The Belts II NWA Battle of The Belts II 1986 Herec
NWA Lords of The Ring NWA Lords of The Ring 1984 Herec
NWA Starrcade 1983 NWA Starrcade 1983 1983 Herec
NWA Bloodfest 1993 • Night Two NWA Bloodfest 1993 • Night Two 1970 Herec
Chris Benoit: The Aftermath Chris Benoit: The Aftermath 1970 Herec, Herec
RFVideo Face Off Vol. 6: See, Hear, Speak No Evil RFVideo Face Off Vol. 6: See, Hear, Speak No Evil 1970 Herec
Guest Booker with Kevin Sullivan & Gabe Sapolsky Guest Booker with Kevin Sullivan & Gabe Sapolsky 1970 Herec
Guest Booker with Kevin Sullivan Guest Booker with Kevin Sullivan 1970 Herec
YouShoot: Kevin Sullivan YouShoot: Kevin Sullivan 1970 Herec
RFVideo Face Off Vol. 3: Pure Evil RFVideo Face Off Vol. 3: Pure Evil 1970 Herec