Kazuo Ishiguro (1954)
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None (2024)
A unique collaborative publication which documents the lyrics written by Nobel Prize winning author Kazuo Ishiguro for the platinum selling, Grammy nominated, Jazz singer Stacey Kent.
None (2023)
L’humanité a été transformée par la technologie : désormais, les adolescents ne vont plus à l’école et grandissent avec leurs Amis Artificiels. Ces robots de pointe sont conçus pour les instruire, les distraire et veiller sur eux. Dans la vitrine …
None (2023)
None (2022)
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Once in a great while, a book comes along that changes our view of the world. This magnificent novel from the Nobel laureate and author of Never Let Me Go is “an intriguing take on …
None (2022)
Ketika negerinya menghadapi masa penuh penderitaan, seniman Masuji Ono membaktikan seninya tidak hanya untuk merayakan keindahan material. Ia berkarya untuk mendukung gerakan imperialis yang membawa Jepang memasuki Perang Dunia II. Sekarang, ketika Ono yang telah menua berjuang melewati masa paska …
None (2022)
"Det är inget mindre än storslaget." SvDFrån sin plats i butiken som säljer artificiella vänner observerar Klara - en artificiell vän med enastående iakttagelseförmåga - noggrant beteendet hos dem som kommer in för att handla. Hon hyser gott hopp om …
None (2021)
Soubor pěti novel od nositele Nobelovy ceny za literaturu patří k vrcholům Ishigurova díla. Pětice volně propojených příběhů vypráví o lásce, hudbě, úspěchu a životních selháních - a Ishigurovy postavy se nám v nich představují ve chvílích náhlého prozření či …
None (2021)
Der berühmte Pianist Ryder ist auf Konzertreise. Bei seiner Ankunft im Hotel möchte er sich am liebsten sofort zurückziehen, wird aber vom Hotelpagen in Beschlag genommen, der ihn um einen ungewöhnlich persönlichen Gefallen bittet. Ryder sagt zu und macht daraufhin …
None (2021)
"From her place in the store that sells artificial friends, Klara--an artificial friend with outstanding observational qualities--watches carefully the behavior of those who come in to browse, and of those who pass in the street outside. She remains hopeful a …
None (2021)
Ein großer Sportplatz, freundliche Klassenzimmer und getrennte Schlafsäle für Jungen und Mädchen – auf den ersten Blick scheint Hailsham ein ganz gewöhnliches englisches Internat zu sein. Aber die Lehrer, so engagiert und freundlich sie auch sind, heißen hier Aufseher, und …
None (2021)
The first book from Kazuo Ishiguro--one of the most acclaimed and beloved writers of our time--since he was awarded the Nobel Prize. Set in the near future, in a distinct reality of its own but reminiscent of his luminous masterpiece …
None (2021)
L’esperada nova novel·la de Kazuo Ishiguro després del Premi Nobel. Una història de ciència ficció que s’interroga sobre allò que ens fa humans. La Klara és una AA, una Amiga Artificial, especialitzada a tenir cura d’adolescents. Ara s’està en una …
None (2021)
This is a story of blind devotion and repressed love between a fanatically perfect butler and a high-spirited, strong-minded young housekeeper in the employ of a British lord who is unwittingly a Nazi dupe.
None (2021)
None (2021)
Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2021 The #1 Sunday Times Bestseller Featured in Barack Obama's Summer Reading List 2021 'This is a novel for fans of Never Let Me Go . . . tender, touching and true.' The Times 'The …
None (2020)
Tous deux tentent, à leur façon, de vivre de leur passion quand les espoirs s’émoussent. Kazuo Ishiguro conte, avec poésie et délicatesse, deux nouvelles musicales empreintes d’une douce mélancolie.
None (2020)
Nouvelles extraites du recueil Nocturnes : Cinq nouvelles de musique au crépuscule
None (2019)
Faber Stories, a landmark series of individual volumes, presents masters of the short story form at work in a range of genres and styles. When Ray turns up to visit his old university friends Charlie and Emily, he's given a …
None (2019)
Königs Erläuterung zu Kazuo Ishiguro: Never let me go - Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben. In einem Band bieten dir die Königs Erläuterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura benötigst. Das spart …
None (2019)
None (2018)
In his highly acclaimed debut, A Pale View of Hills, Kazuo Ishiguro tells the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman now living alone in England, dwelling on the recent suicide of her daughter. Retreating into the past, she finds herself …
None (2018)
Inglaterra, julio de 1956. Stevens, el narrador, fue durante treinta años mayordomo de Lord Darlington, quien murió hace tres años, y su propiedad pertenece ahora a un norteamericano. Su nuevo patrón regresará por unas semanas a su país, y le …
None (2018)
It is 1948.
None (2018)
Illustrato da Bianca Bagnarelli . Kazuo Ishiguro è stato insignito del premio Nobel per la Letteratura nel 2017 .
None (2018)
Em seu discurso proferido na Academia Sueca, Kazuo Ishiguro transmite uma poderosa mensagem de respeito às diferenças ao percorrer a própria história e, com ela, a do século XX. No dia 7 de dezembro de 2017, Kazuo Ishiguro recebeu da …
None (2017)
In celebration of Kazuo Ishiguro winning the 2017 Nobel Prize in Literature: a special gift hardback edition of his 1989 Booker Prize-winning novel.
None (2017)
Nouvelle édition
None (2017)
Designed to meet the requirements for students at GCSE and A level, this accessible educational edition offers the complete text of Never Let Me Go with a comprehensive study guide. Intended for individual study as well as class use, Geoff …
None (2017)
Kazuo Ishiguro er modtager af Nobelprisen i litteratur 2017. En sommerdag i 1956 tager Stevens, en ældre, men formfuldendt engelsk butler, af sted på en af sit livs sjældne ferier, en biltur gennem Vestengland. Men hans rejsestemning bliver hele tiden …
None (2017)
El famós pianista Ryder es troba perdut en un hotel centreeuropeu entre gent que desconeix i està cridat a donar un concert que no recorda haver-se compromès a donar. Lluny del realisme psicològic i el lluminós estilisme de les novel·les …
None (2017)
Nesta reunião de cinco narrativas, Kazuo Ishiguro deixa de lado a solenidade distendida dos romances para dedicar-se à concisão, à leveza e ao humor concentrado do gênero curto. Noturnos traz contos sobre instrumentistas e amantes da música, de diversas partes …
None (2017)
‘Een kunstenaar van het vlietende leven’ van Kazuo Ishiguro speelt in oktober 1948. Japan heeft de oorlog verloren. De Amerikanen hebben Japan bezet en gedragsnormen zijn radicaal veranderd. De jeugd noemt hen die Japan tot de afgrond hebben gebracht verraders. …
None (2017)
L’Académie suédoise a décerné le prix Nobel de littérature jeudi 5 octobre à l’écrivain Kazuo Ishiguro. Selon le jury, l’écrivain britannique d'origine japonaise "a révélé l’abîme sous notre illusoire sentiment de confort dans le monde". Kazuo Ishiguro a prononcé son …
None (2017)
«Un romanzo meraviglioso, il migliore che Ishiguro abbia scritto dai tempi del sublime Quel che resta del giorno ». «The Washington Post»
None (2017)
Butleren Stevens har så å si gått i arv på Lord Darlingtons gods. Faren hans var butler før ham og tjente lorden på samme selvutslettende og inntil døden lojale måte. Nå har en ny herre overtatt, en amerikaner av den …
None (2017)
None (2017)
Delivered in Stockholm on 7 December 2017, My Twentieth Century Evening and Other Small Breakthroughs is the lecture of the Nobel Laureate in Literature, Kazuo Ishiguro. A generous and hugely insightful biographical sketch, it explores his relationship with Japan, reflections …
None (2017)
The Nobel Lecture in Literature, delivered by Kazuo Ishiguro (The Remains of the Day and When We Were Orphans) at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm, Sweden, on December 7, 2017, in an elegant, clothbound edition. In their announcement of the …
None (2016)
The extraordinary novel from the author of Never Let Me Go and the Booker Prize–winning The Remains of the Day. The Romans have long since departed, and Britain is steadily declining into ruin. But at least the wars that once …
None (2015)
*Kazuo Ishiguro's new novel Klara and the Sun is now available*The Romans have long since departed, and Britain is steadily declining into ruin.The Buried Giant begins as a couple, Axl and Beatrice, set off across a troubled land of mist …
None (2015)
The extraordinary new novel from the author of"Never Let Me Go"and the Booker Prize winning"The Remains of the Day" The Romans have long since departed, and Britain is steadily declining into ruin.
None (2015)
« Ishiguro excelle à créer un univers, à instaurer des climats que l’on n’oublie pas. » Lire Le livre : Axl et Beatrice vivent un amour constant qui a résisté aux années. Ils décident de faire un voyage pour rejoindre …
None (2015)
Noktürnler’de bir araya gelen beş öykünün hepsi müzisyenleri ya da müziği yaşamının merkezine koymuş kişileri konu alıyor. Akşam saatlerinin alacalı ışığında kaygılar ile umutlar, düş kırıklıkları ile baştan başlama dürtüsü, pişmanlık ile inanç arasında döne döne ilerliyoruz. Sona ermiş bir …
None (2015)
The Romans have long since departed and Britain is steadily declining into ruin. But, at least, the wars that once ravaged the country have ceased. Axl and Beatrice, a couple of elderly Britons, decide that now is the time, finally, …
None (2014)
Kazuo Ishiguro's Booker Prize-winning masterpiece became an international bestseller on publication, was adapted into an award-winning film and has since come to be regarded as a modern classic. The Remains of the Day is a spellbinding portrayal of a vanished …
None (2014)
The fifth novel "When We Were Orphans" by the Japanese Nobel Prize-winning British writer Kazuo Ishiguro throws the harsh reality of Shanghai occupied by Japanese forces on the eve of World War II. Shanghai is also the childhood city of …
None (2013)
'De rest van de dag' van Nobelprijswinnaar Ishiguro werd bekroond met de Booker Prize en werd verfilmd met Anthony Hopkins en Emma Thompson in de hoofdrollen. In ‘De rest van de dag’ van Nobelprijswinnaar Kazuo Ishiguro kijkt Mr. Stevens, een …
None (2012)
From the Nobel Prize–winning author, here is an elegant Everyman's Library hardcover edition of the universally acclaimed novel—winner of the Booker Prize, a bestseller, and the basis for an award-winning film—with full-cloth binding, a silk ribbon marker, a chronology, and …
None (2012)
None (2012)
None (2012)
None (2012)
Geschenkausgabe im kleinen Format, bedrucktes Ganzleinen mit Lesebändchen. Stevens dient als Butler auf Darlington Hall. Er sorgt für einen tadellosen Haushalt und ist die Verschwiegenheit in Person: Niemals würde er auch nur ein Wort über die merkwürdigen Vorgänge im Herrenhaus …
None (2012)
From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of the Booker Prize–winning novel The Remains of the Day In the face of the misery in his homeland, the artist Masuji Ono was unwilling to devote his art …
None (2012)
From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature and author of the Booker Prize–winning novel The Remains of the Day Here is the story of Etsuko, a Japanese woman now living alone in England, dwelling on the recent suicide …
None (2011)
Hailsham aparenta ser un agradable internado inglés, lejos de las influencias de la gran ciudad. La escuela se ocupa bien de sus estudiantes, enseñándoles arte y literatura y todo lo necesario para que se conviertan en el tipo de persona …
None (2011)
La Kathy, la Ruth i en Tommy eren alumnes de Hailsham, una idíl·lica institució docent situada en ple camp anglès. Els estudiants hi vivien escrupulosament protegits del món de fora, i se'ls educava en el convenciment que eren especials, i …
None (2011)
None (2010)
BOOKER PRIZE WINNER • From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, here is “an intricate and dazzling novel” (The New York Times) about the perfect butler and his fading, insular world in post-World War II England. This is …
None (2009)
"In a sublime story cycle, Kazuo Ishiguro explores ideas of love, music and the passing of time. From the Piazzas of Italy to the Malvern Hills, a London flat to the 'hush-hush floor' of an exclusive Hollywood hotel, the characters …
None (2009)
The collection of five short stories "Nocturnes" by Kazuo Ishiguro is a unified whole that resembles a novel. All the short stories are united by the theme to which the author refers in the subtitle "Five Stories of Music and …
None (2009)
**OVER 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD** SHORTLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 'Brilliantly executed.' MARGARET ATWOOD 'A page-turner and a heartbreaker.' TIME 'Masterly.' SUNDAY TIMES One of the most acclaimed novels of the 21st Century, from the Nobel Prize-winning author Kazuo Ishiguro …
None (2009)
*Kazuo Ishiguro's new novel Klara and the Sun is now available * Ryder, a renowned pianist, arrives in a Central European city he cannot identify for a concert he cannot remember agreeing to give . . . On first publication …
None (2009)
*Kazuo Ishiguro's new novel Klara and the Sun is now available * In Nocturnes, Kazuo Ishiguro explores ideas of love, music and the passing of time. From the piazzas of Italy to the 'hush-hush floor' of an exclusive Hollywood Hotel, …
None (2009)
*Kazuo Ishiguro's new novel Klara and the Sun is now available*Shortlisted for the Booker PrizeEngland, 1930s. Christopher Banks has become the country's most celebrated detective, his cases the talk of London society. Yet one unsolved crime has always haunted him: …
None (2008)
Een 31-jarige vrouw kijkt aan het einde van de twintigste eeuw terug op haar schijnbaar idyllische jeugd op een afgelegen Engelse kostschool en de band die ze daar had met twee andere kinderen.
None (2008)
Nineteen interviews conducted over the past two decades on both sides of the Atlantic and beyond with the author of the Booker Prize-winning The Remains of the Day
None (2007)
Indonesian version of The Remains of The Day Manusia memang tak pernah merindukan sesuatu sebelum dia kehilangan. Dan Begitulah Stevens. Puluhan tahun lamanya dia mengabdi sebagai kepala pelayan di Darlington Hall, seluruh jiwana didedikasikan demi profesinya. Cita-citanya menjadi seorang kepala …
None (2007)
None (2005)
A masterful novel from one of the most admired writers of our time. Christopher Banks, an English boy born in early-20th-century Shanghai, is orphaned at age nine when both his mother and father disappear under suspicious circumstances. He grows up …
None (2005)
Prêmio Nobel de Literatura 2017 Kathy H. tem 31 anos e está prestes a encerrar sua carreira de "cuidadora". Enquanto isso, ela relembra o tempo que passou em Hailsham, um internato inglês que dá grande ênfase às atividades artísticas e …
None (2005)
None (2005)
None (2005)
None (2003)
None (2002)
" Shanghai, années 30 : le chaos règne, le monde court vers la guerre et il n'est pas très prudent pour un Britannique de s'aventurer hors des limites de la concession internationale. C'est dans ce décor brisé que Kazuo Ishiguro …
None (2002)
Kazuo Ishiguro ist ein Autor der Superlative: Booker- und Whitbread-Preisträger, sein Werk in 28 Sprachen übersetzt, sein Weltbestseller 'Was vom Tage übrigblieb' von James Ivory grandios verfilmt. In seinem neuen Roman, der ebenfalls gleich nach Erscheinen die Bestsellerlisten eroberte, erzählt …
None (2002)
Après le suicide de sa fille aînée, Etsuko, une Japonaise installée en Angleterre, se replonge dans les souvenirs de sa vie. Peut-être l'explication du drame demeure t-elle enfouie dans ce Japon des années cinquante qui se relevait des plaies de …
None (2002)
Jeune homme bohème, le peintre Masugi Ono aimait à fréquenter le " monde flottant ", métaphore sous laquelle les Japonais définissent les lieux de plaisir de la vie nocturne. Dans le Japon de l'après-guerre, l'artiste vieillissant se trouve confronté à …
None (2001)
None (2000)
The novel also deals with the role of people in a rapidly changing political environment and with the assumption and denial of guilt. The novel is considered as both historical fiction and global literature.
None (1999)
The novel also deals with the role of people in a rapidly changing political environment and with the assumption and denial of guilt. The novel is considered as both historical fiction and global literature.
None (1998)
The Unconsoled is a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, first published in 1995 by Faber and Faber, and winner of the Cheltenham Prize that year. The novel takes place over a period of three days.
None (1997)
None (1996)
The Unconsoled is a novel by Kazuo Ishiguro, first published in 1995 by Faber and Faber, and winner of the Cheltenham Prize that year. The novel takes place over a period of three days.
None (1995)
None (1994)
None (1992)
None (1990)
None (1990)
BOOKER PRIZE WINNER • From the winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, here is “an intricate and dazzling novel” (The New York Times) about the perfect butler and his fading, insular world in post-World War II England. This is …
None (1989)
La Segunda Guerra Mundial ha terminado y Japón comienza a levantarse de entre sus cenizas. En los meses que van desde octubre de 1948 a junio de 1950 —el tiempo que media entre el comienzo de las negociaciones para casar …
None (1989)
None (1988)
None (1986)
None (1981)
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Neste romance sutil e envolvente, o detetive Christopher Banks retorna a Xangai, sua terra natal, onde seus pais desapareceram misteriosamente há vinte anos. A cidade agora é palco da guerra entre China e Japão, e a busca de Banks por …
None (None)
Zatím žádní fanoušci.