Günter Grass (1927)

Günter Grass
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None (2024)

Alla domanda con quale donna della storia dell’arte avrebbe voluto cenare, Umberto Eco rispondeva senza esitazioni con un nome: Uta di Naumburg. Uta di Naumburg è una delle dodici statue in cui un anonimo scultore del XIII secolo ha raffigurato …


None (2023)

‘De literaire oerkracht van Günter Grass: in nog geen vijfenzestig bladzijden lees je de schrijver op zijn best.’ Michel Krielaars in NRC ‘Een pareltje dat ontdekt werd in de nalatenschap.’ De Standaard ‘Dit is een echte Grass. Een korte, maar …

Kniha None

None (2022)

Historická novela německého nobelisty vykresluje fiktivní setkání literátů na sklonku třicetileté války a nabízí úvahy na téma vztahu literatury a politiky, s přesahem do moderních dějin. Děj se odehrává v roce 1647 poblíž Osnabrücku, kde se právě dojednávají podmínky míru, …

Kniha None

None (2021)

Kniha None

None (2020)

Sie enthält sämtliche von Günter Grass autorisierten literarischen Werke von den Anfängen bis zu seinem erst posthum erschienenen Band Vonne Endlichkait.


None (2019)

Günter Grass Timm Niklas Pietsch. demokrat , weil ich ohne Furcht leben will . Gespräch mit Günter Grass << in : Die Neue Gesellschaft , Bad Godesberg , Nr . 2 , Februar 1971 , S. 87-99 . Wiederabdruck in …


None (2018)

Six Decades grants us a privileged look behind the normally closed door of Nobel Laureate G nter Grass' (1927-2015) studio. For well over half a century Grass worked unceasingly as a writer, sculptor and graphic artist.

Kniha None

None (2017)


None (2017)

O tambor é considerado por muitos o melhor romance sobre o dilaceramento do mundo alemão no pós-guerra. O livro conta a história de um anão que, ao tocar seu tambor, ressuscita suas lembranças, as de sua família e de seu …


None (2017)

Rottesken er en fantastisk roman, som rummer mange forunderlige historier. Rotten er ikke bare den rotte, som sidder pænt i sit bur, den er også en af de næsten mytiske rotter, som overlever vor verdens tilintetgørelse i det store brag. …


None (2017)

In 1990, Günter Grass - a reluctant diarist - felt compelled to make a record of the interesting times through which he was living. Following the fall of the Berlin Wall in November 1989 and the collapse of Communism, Germany …


None (2017)

In this delightful sequel to Peeling the Onion, Günter Grass writes in the voices of his eight children as they record memories of their childhoods, of growing up, of their father, who was always at work on a new book, …


None (2016)

Encuentro en Telgte es una parábola directa. No intelectual, sin embargo. El Premio Nobel de Literatura Günter Grass logra un fresco vital, barroco, popular, con la rotundidad de un cuadro de Brueghel y la precisión lingüística de Cervantes. En 1947, …


None (2016)

“A final book like no other” from the Nobel Prize–winning author of The Tin Drum: poetry and meditations on writing, aging, and living until the end (The Irish Times). In spite of the trials of old age, and with the …

Kniha None

None (2013)

Kniha None

None (2012)

Kniha None

None (2012)

Kniha None

None (2012)

Kniha None

None (2011)

Kniha None

None (2010)

Kniha None

None (2010)

Escribir después de Auschwitz:El horror de los campos de concentración nazis llevó a Theodor Adorno a decir: «...escribir un poema después de Auschwitz es una barbaridad, y eso afecta también a la conciencia de por qué se ha hecho hoy …


None (2009)

Ein sehr persönliches Dokument wird zur spannenden Zeitreise: Seit fast zwanzig Jahren bekommt Günter Grass von seinem Verleger Blindbände geschenkt, Bücher mit leeren Seiten, die er per Hand mit ersten Fassungen seiner Texte füllt. Und er nutzt sie als Tagebuch …


None (2009)

"Hi havia una vegada un pare que, en veure que ja s'havia fet vell,va convocar un cop i un altre els seus fills i les seves filles... Ara estan asseguts al voltant d'una taula i començaran tot d'una a parlar". …


None (2009)


None (2009)

El timbal de llauna, que amb El gat i la rata i Anys de gos, forma la Trilogia de Danzig, és el paradigma de la novel·la picaresca de la modernitat amb un argument grotesc i uns personatges extravagants. El seu …


None (2009)

Kniha None

None (2008)


None (2007)

Foreword by Gunter Grass.


None (2007)

Before Günter Grass achieved worldwide fame as a novelist, the future author of The Tin Drum studied sculpture at the art academies of Düsseldorf and Berlin. Over the past 60 years of artistic life, he has created not only novels, …


None (2007)

Peeling the Onion is a searingly honest memoir that evokes Grass' modest upbringing in Danzig, his time as a boy soldier fighting the Russians and concludes with the writing of his masterpiece, The Tin Drum, in Paris. Grass' parents ran …

Kniha None

None (2007)

Kniha None

None (2007)

Eine Sammlung von Gedichten und Notaten, die der Autor wie so oft mit Lithografien und Zeichnungen verknüpft und die eine Reflektion auf die Ereignisse im August 2006 rund um das Bekenntnis des Autors, Mitglied in der Waffen-SS gewesen zu sein, …

Kniha None

None (2005)

Kniha None

None (2005)

Kniha None

None (2005)

Kniha None

None (2004)

Kniha None

None (2004)


None (2004)

Sample Text

Kniha None

None (2003)

Kniha None

None (2003)

Kniha None

None (2003)


None (2003)

From Books Cover: Gunter Grass has been wrestling with Germany's past for decades now. In this new novel Grass examines a subject that has long been taboo - the suffering of Germans during World War II. It is the story …

Kniha None

None (2002)


None (2002)

"Albrecht Durer (1471-1528) was in a sense the first truly international artist. The collection of his work in the British Museum is one of the best in the world. This book shows how his sophisticated development of the techniques of …

Kniha None

None (2002)

Kniha None

None (2002)

Kniha None

None (2001)


None (2001)

Kniha None

None (2001)


None (2000)


None (2000)

The winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature tells the story of two old men in Berlin -- one a former East German cultural functionary, the other a former mid-level spy -- observing life in the former German Democratic Republic …


None (1999)

Kniha None

None (1999)

Kniha None

None (1999)


None (1999)

Ein Schriftsteller reist 1969 durch die Bundesrepublik - und führt Tagebuch. Längst gehört der Wahlkampf von 1969 der Geschichte an. Viele Schriftsteller und Intellektuelle haben damals Partei ergriffen und Wählerinitiativen angeregt - allen voran Günter Grass. Jahre später hat er …

Kniha None

None (1999)


None (1999)

Gnter Grass y Juan Goytisolo abordan temas tales como la indiferencia ante el racismo y la deportación de emigrantes, las matanzas indiscriminadas, la manipulación de los medios de información y la telebasura, un holocausto pasado como el alemán y otro …


None (1999)

One hundred stories, each named after a year of the 20th century. In one, Erich Maria Remarque gives his views on World War I, in another former Nazis reflect on the good old days, while a third is on the …


None (1999)


None (1999)


None (1999)

Kniha None

None (1998)

Essays of Günter Grass, Andrei Bitov, Gy"rgy Konr d, Dragan Klaic, Paul Scheffer, Cevat Çapan, Dubravka Ugresic, Karl Schl"gel, Michael Kustow, Ilan Pappé and Augustin Buzura about the development of culture in East en West Europe.

Kniha None

None (1998)

Kniha None

None (1998)

Kniha None

None (1998)


None (1997)

In diesem vielfach gebrochenen, mancherlei frühere Motive und Personen wieder aufnehmenden Prosawerk überlässt Grass einer Rättin die (Straf- )Predigt über das Menschengeschlecht und dessen (selbstverschuldeten) drohenden Untergang.

Kniha None

None (1997)

Diktene til Günter Grass har hverdagslige emner, som en sko eller en reiseveske, men samtidig danner disse punktnedslag i hverdag og virkelighet et større bilde, en mosaikk som til sammen blir et bilde på et travelt liv, et liv fylt …


None (1997)

Günter Grass. Günter Grass, 1927 in Danzig geboren, wurde nach einer Ausbildung als Bildhauer und Grafiker freier Schriftsteller. Sein Werk gehört zur Weltliteratur. Günter Grass wurde mit zahlreichen internationalen Ehrungen ...


None (1997)

First published in 1977, this novel is based on the fairy story The Fisherman and his Wife. Multi-layered and laced with poetry and humour, it analyzes the battle of the sexes.

Kniha None

None (1996)


None (1996)


None (1996)

A bilingual poetry collection. In Nursery Rhyme, he writes: "Who laughs here, who has laughed? / Here we have ceased to laugh. / To laugh here is now treason / The laugher has a reason."


None (1996)

A bilingual poetry collection. In Nursery Rhyme, he writes: "Who laughs here, who has laughed? / Here we have ceased to laugh. / To laugh here is now treason / The laugher has a reason."


None (1995)


None (1994)

The German Library is a new series of the major works of German literature and thought from medieval times to the present. The volumes have forewords by internationally known writers and introductions by prominent scholars. Here the English-speaking reader can …


None (1993)

A German art historian and a Polish art restorer find adventure and love in the cemetery business. Their vision is to offer plots in Gdansk to those Germans who had been exiled after World War II. A New York Times …

Kniha None

None (1993)

Kniha None

None (1992)

Kniha None

None (1992)


None (1991)

Chronologisch ingedeeld, rijk geïll. overzicht van de kunstwerken, gerelateerd aan het leven van de auteur

Kniha None

None (1991)

Kniha None

None (1990)


None (1990)


None (1990)

The Case Against German Reunification Günter Grass. GRASS : On the fourth of November on Alexanderplatz I saw all kinds of very appropriate banners , most of them referring to the situation in the GDR . But among them was …


None (1990)

Harm and Dörte Peters, the quintessential couple, are on vacation in Asia. But wherever they are, they can't get away from the political upheaval back home. With irony and wit, Grass takes aim at capitalism, communism, religion-even reproduction; nothing escapes …


None (1990)

Acclaimed as the greatest German novel written since the end of World War II, The Tin Drum is the autobiography of thirty-year-old Oskar Matzerath, who has lived through the long Nazi nightmare and who, as the novel begins, is being …


None (1990)

A group of leading intellectuals from all parts of Germany gather in 1647 for the purpose of strengthening the last remaining bond within a divided nation-its language and literature-as the Thirty Years' War comes to an end. Afterword by Leonard …


None (1990)

As the Berlin Wall crumbled and the two Germanys became one, Grass was one of a few who spoke out against reunification. In this collection of speeches and debates on the factors destined to reshape Europe, he is caustic, indignant, …


None (1990)


None (1989)


None (1989)

Günter Grass. I.


None (1989)

When his dentist places him in front of a television to distract him, Eberhard Starusch projects onto the screen his present, resulting in a combination of reality and fantasy that provides a mirror image of German history.


None (1989)

Gunter Grass and his wife, Ute, spent six months in Calcutta, 1987-1988. Throughout, Grass kept a diary in words and drawings that record everyday sights: the poverty, the heat, the resigned anxiety of those who no longer have anything to …

Kniha None

None (1988)


None (1988)

Im Gegensatz zum Märchen vom Fischer und seiner Frau ist es im > Butt Die Geschichte reicht von den blutigen Köpfen, die sich die Männer der steinzeitlichen Horden gegenseitig schlagen, bis zu den Interkontinentalraketen unseres Jahrhunderts. 400 Jahre Männergeschichte als …

Kniha None

None (1987)

Kniha None

None (1987)


None (1987)

... Grass, Jens Christian Jensen, Kunsthalle zu Kiel. 67 . Haikopf auf Land . 1973 Feder / Tusche auf weißem Zeichenpapier 29,2 x 42 cm Bez . rechts unten : GRASS / 26.7.73 ' GRASS 76.7.75 31 68 . Puppe …


None (1987)

Cat and mouse: In an attempt to compensate for his unsightly Adam's apple, Mahlke sets out to become a great athlete.


None (1986)

Grass-novelist, poet, and graphic artist-is also a committed political activist. In this collection of essays, he takes on writing and politics with his accustomed verve and insight. Introduction by Salman Rushdie. Translated by Ralph Manheim. A Helen and Kurt Wolff …

Kniha None

None (1986)


None (1986)

A female rat engages the narrator in a series of dialogues-convincingly demonstrating to him that the rats will inherit a devastated earth. Dreams alternate with reality in this story within a story within a story. Translated by Ralph Manheim. A …


None (1985)


None (1985)

... Grass ( From 1956 to 1973 ) . New York 1974 . Görtz , Franz Josef : Kommentierte Auswahlbibliographie . In : H. L. Arnold ( Hrsg . ) , Günter Grass , München 1978 , S. 175 ff …

Kniha None

None (1985)

Kniha None

None (1984)

Kniha None

None (1984)


None (1983)

Gedichten geschreven tijdens het ontstaan van de roman: Der Butt. - 1977

Kniha None

None (1983)

A novel set in three parts, beginning in the 1920s and ending in the 1950s, that follows the lives of two friends from the prewar years in Germany through an apocalyptic period and its startling aftermath. Translated by Ralph Manheim. …

Kniha None

None (1978)


None (1978)

Kniha None

None (1977)


None (1977)

This selection combines Selected Poems (1966) and New Poems (1968). The German originals face the translations. Translated by Michael Hamburger and Christopher Middleton. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book


None (1976)

Probably the most autobiographical of his novels, it balances the agonizing history of the persecuted Danzig Jews with an account of Grass's political campaigning with Willie Brandt.


None (1974)

Kniha None

None (1974)


None (1974)

Reden, Aufsätze, Kommentare Guenter Grass, Günter Grass. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ** * * · * * , , asos o 1 !! !! !! …


None (1973)


None (1973)

ein Stück in 13 Szenen Günter Grass Victor Lange, Frances Lange. PT 34,13 Grass - II B vor - . R338 II3 1973 Gurter , 1937–


None (1973)

Handsome edition of Grass' poem in praise of the photographer Maria Rama set against Grass' collages, in pen and ink and charcoal - of snails, mushrooms, nuns juxtaposed with colorful photos of himself at work and play.


None (1971)

Roman Günter Grass. - rern und Trachten einmottenden Landsmannschaften . Während man hierzulande das Land der Polen mit der Seele sucht – halb mit Chopin , halb mit Revanche im Herzen - während sie hier die erste bis zur vierten …


None (1969)

Speeches, Open Letters, Commentaries Günter Grass. 1 Günter Grass entered the political arena in 1965 , as.


None (1969)


None (1969)

Political opinons of Germany's foremost novelist, poet, and dramatist. Translated by Ralph Manheim. Introduction by Michael Harrington. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book.

Kniha None

None (1969)

Úspěšný román německého, v Gdaňsku narozeného prozaika, básníka a dramatika. Životní historie třicetiletého muže trpasličího vzrůstu s hrbem a nadměrně velkou hlavou, jakéhosi filosofujícího blázna, který jako chovanec.


None (1968)


None (1968)

Günter Grass. BY THE SAME AUTHOR The Tin Drum Cat and Mouse Dog Years Selected Poems The Plebeians Rehearse the Uprising Four Plays NEW POEMS Günter Grass In German with translations by Michael.


None (1968)

Kniha None

None (1968)

Novela západoněmeckého spisovatele o hrách, soutěžích a zábavách pubertálních chlapců v Gdaňsku v době těsně před válkou a ve válce. Chlapci dospívají a již v posledních letech gymnasiálních studií se přihlašují dovojenskýchslužeb třetí říše alespoň jako pomocníci. Hrdina však desertuje …


None (1967)


None (1967)

"Flood; Mister, Mister; Only Ten Minutes to Buffalo; The Wicked Cooks. Short plays belonging to the Theatre of the Absurd. Introduction by Marin Esslin. Translated by Ralph Manheim and A. Leslie Willson. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book." -- Publisher.


None (1967)

Flood; Mister, Mister; Only Ten Minutes to Buffalo; The Wicked Cooks. Short plays belonging to the Theatre of the Absurd. Introduction by Marin Esslin. Translated by Ralph Manheim and A. Leslie Willson. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book.

Kniha None

None (1966)


None (1966)


None (1966)

A full-length play dealing with the German intellectuals' abandonment of the East German workers during their rebellion in 1953. Translated by Ralph Manheim. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book.


None (1966)

Kniha None

None (1965)


None (1965)

Günter Grass. - - - - - - - - - - - Günter Grass Überdas belbstverständliche Reden Aufsätze Offene Briefe Kommentare Dieser.


None (1965)

A novel set in three parts, beginning in the 1920s and ending in the 1950s, that follows the lives of two friends from the prewar years in Germany through an apocalyptic period and its startling aftermath.

Kniha None

None (1964)


None (1964)

The greatest German novel since the end of World War II, The Tin Drum is the autobiography of Oskar Matzerath, thirty years old, detained in a mental hospital, convicted of a murder he did not commit. On the day of …

Kniha None

None (1963)


None (1963)

"On the publication of his first novel, The Tin Drum, Günter Grass was acclaimed internationally as the most imaginative and powerful novelist to come out of postwar Germany. Cat and Mouse has the same setting that The Tin Drum made …

Kniha None

None (None)

Kniha None

None (None)