Cormac McCarthy (1933)
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None (2024)
The first-ever graphic novel adaptation of Cormac McCarthy’s Pulitzer Prize–winning postapocalyptic classic, The Road, approved and authorized by McCarthy and illustrated by acclaimed cartoonist Manu Larcenet The story of a nameless father and son trying to survive with their humanity …
None (2023)
Román z amerického jihu 80. let 20. století je první knihou autorova diptychu, následuje román Stella Maris. Po dlouhých šestnácti letech, jež uplynuly od vydání světového bestselleru Cesta, nedávno zesnulého klasika americké literatury Cormaca McCarthyho, vychází nový román Pasažér. Odehrává …
None (2023)
Nel cuore di una fredda notte del 1980, Bobby Western indossa la sua muta da sommozzatore e si tuffa nelle nere profondità della baia del Mississippi. Laggiú scorge il profilo di un aereo con nove corpi in cabina, gli occhi …
None (2023)
Korean edition of [Stella Maris] by Cormac McCarthy. A New York Times Bestseller. The second volume of The Passenger series, from The Pulitzer Prize-winning author of [The Road]. An intimate portrait of grief and longing, as a young woman in …
None (2022)
‘A gorgeous ruin in the shape of a hardboiled noir thriller . . . What a glorious sunset song’ – The Guardian It is three in the morning when Bobby Western zips the jacket of his wetsuit and plunges from …
None (2022)
NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • The second volume of The Passenger series, from The Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Road • An intimate portrait of grief and longing, as a young woman in a psychiatric facility seeks to understand …
None (2022)
Brutally violent, Blood Meridian is the story of one teenage runaway in the nineteenth-century American South, as a sadistic gang unleashes its massacre across the desert land. It is the work that sealed Cormac McCarthy's reputation as one of the …
None (2022)
None (2022)
Set along the US-Mexcio border of the 1940s, Cormac McCarthy's legendary Border Trilogy continues with The Crossing, a coming-of-age western set parallel to the events of All the Pretty Horses. 'McCarthy speaks to us in the thrilling, apocalyptic tones of …
None (2022)
The best-selling, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Road returns with a two-volume masterpiece in an artfully designed box set. The Passenger is a fast-paced and sprawling novel while Stella Maris is a tightly controlled coda, told entirely in dialogue. Together …
None (2022)
None (2022)
None (2022)
L’apocalypse a eu lieu. Le monde est dévasté, couvert de cendres. Un père et son fils errent sur une route, poussant un caddie rempli d’objets hétéroclites et de vieilles couvertures. Ils sont sur leurs gardes car le danger peut surgir …
None (2022)
Tre storie di apprendistato e di eterno vagabondare di cavalli e cavalieri. Un'autentica epica americana. Con Cavalli selvaggi siamo nel Texas del 1949. Lacerato ogni legame che lo stringeva alla terra e alla famiglia, John GradyCole sella il cavallo e …
None (2021)
None (2021)
"边境三部曲"终曲.在天下骏马书末向着未知出发的约翰·格雷迪与穿越中失去了一切独自流浪的比利·帕勒姆,在本书中会合,一起生活,劳作在美国西南部靠近墨西哥的一个牧场里 ...
None (2020)
None (2020)
None (2019)
The post-apocalyptic modern classic with an introduction by novelist John Banville. In a burned-out America, a father and his young son walk under a darkened sky, heading slowly for the coast. They have no idea what, if anything, awaits them …
None (2019)
None (2018)
With an introduction by novelist Rachel Kushner In the vanishing world of the Old West, two cowboys begin an epic adventure, and their own coming-of-age stories. In All the Pretty Horses, John Grady Cole’s search for a future takes him …
None (2016)
Der erste Roman eines Meisters Die Geschichte von Arthur Ownby, Hüter eines verwilderten Apfelhains, dem jungen John Wesley Rattner und dem Schnapsschmuggler Marion Sylder spielt zwischen den Kriegen im gottverlassensten Tennessee. Marion hat vor Jahren in Notwehr Johns Vater getötet …
None (2016)
None (2015)
‘Wat een prachtig boek. Het knappe van McCarthy is dat hij veel dreiging tussen de regels door laat voelen [...]. Boven alles heeft De weg een geweldige stijl, pakkende personages en genoeg materiaal om een avond lang over te praten.’ …
None (2015)
Rajatrilogian dramaattinen keskiosa Eletään 30-luvun loppua ja 16-vuotias Billy Parham opettelee sudenmetsästäjäksi. Ymmärrys kasvaa niin, että poika ei voikaan tappaa tiinettä naarassutta vaan päättää viedä sen Meksikoon, vapauteen. Hän karkaa kotoa ja lähtee oudossa seurassa kohti tuntematonta. Kotiinpaluu Uuteen-Meksikoon paljastaa …
None (2014)
The original screenplay, The Gardener's Son, is the tale of two families: the wealthy Greggs, who own the local cotton mill, and the McEvoys, a family of mill workers beset by misfortune. Two years ago, Robert McEvoy was involved in …
None (2014)
From Cormac McCarthy, the acclaimed author of All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing comes a profoundly moving play set in Louisville, Kentucky in the 1970s, among four generations of a family of stonemasons. Ben Telfair admires and respects his …
None (2014)
"Dieses Epos ist Weltliteratur." (Tempo) Billy Parham und sein Bruder Boyd überschreiten noch einmal die Grenze nach Mexiko. Sie sind auf der Suche nach gestohlenen Pferden und den Mördern ihrer Eltern. Abenteuer in der Wildnis, Leben am Rand der Zivilisation …
None (2014)
The screenplay for McCarthy's classic film, bearing in full measure his gift—the ability to fit complex and universal emotions into ordinary lives and still preserve all of their power and significance In the spring of 1975 the film director Richard …
None (2013)
The first authoritative descriptive bibliography of the major author with over 130 full color photographs of all first and collectible editions. A descriptive bibliography of first editions, letters, and autograph material by Cormac McCarthy.
None (2013)
An original screenplay by the author of No Country For Old Men, The Counselor is a major motion picture directed by Ridley Scott and starring Michael Fassbender, Penélope Cruz, Cameron Diaz, Javier Bardem and Brad Pitt. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Cormac …
None (2013)
In early 2012 it was announced that Cormac McCarthy had written his first original screenplay - news which provoked huge excitement, a swift deal and the appointment of Ridley Scott to direct. But this is no ordinary screenplay. This is …
None (2013)
None (2013)
El hombre blanco, un profesor de humanidades de vida acomodada, atenazado por sus propias dudas acerca de la condición humana, considera que la única salida a la miserable situación en la que se halla el ser humano es arrojarse a …
None (2013)
On the eve of his marriage, the Counselor makes a risky decision to delve into the cocaine trade along the Texas-Mexico border. His hope is that this one-time deal will set him and his fiancée on a path to financial …
None (2013)
None (2013)
None (2012)
None (2012)
All the Pretty Horses, the first novel of the Border Trilogy, published in 1992, was an international bestseller, winning both the National Book Award and the National Book Critics Circle Award. It tells the tale of John Grady Cole, who …
None (2012)
«Perché McCarthy è stato spesso paragonato a William Faulkner, a Mark Twain, a Herman Melville? La risposta sta tutta in Oltre il confine : perché al pari di questi autori, scrive magnificamente. Oltre il confine è un miracolo in prosa». …
None (2011)
Deft, spare, and full of artful tension, The Sunset Limited is a beautifully crafted play from the legendary Cormac McCarthy, author of No Country for Old Men and Blood Meridian. 'The Sunset Limited grips from the very first page' – …
None (2011)
El guardián del vergel , la primera novela de Cormac McCarthy, autor de La carretera por la que ganó en 2007 el premio Pulitzer, es ya un clásico de la literatura estadounidense. Situada en una pequeña y remota comunidad rural …
None (2011)
*Premio Pulitzer 2007 por La carretera* Una relectura de mitos universales en la que muy curiosamente resuenan ecos de la mejor literatura popular: incesto, fuga, bosque y extravío, reencuentro y venganza. La oscuridad exterior es una novela con tono de …
None (2011)
*Premio Pulitzer 2007* Una demoledora fábula sobre el futuro del ser humano, destinada a convertirse en la obra maestra del autor. La carretera, novela galardonada con el premio Pulitzer 2007 y best seller literario del año en Estados Unidos, transcurre …
None (2011)
*Premio Pulitzer 2007 por La carretera* Una magnética historia de perdedores, narcotraficantes y sueños rotos, obra del genial autor de la Trilogía de la frontera. El cazador y veterano de Vietnam Llewelyn Moss descubre por casualidad la sangrienta escena de …
None (2011)
Ens trobem en ple segle xix, al bell mig de la zona fronterera que separa Mèxic dels Estats Units. Les autoritats mexicanes i de l'estat de Texas organitzen una expedició paramilitar per eliminar el major nombre d'indis possible. És el …
None (2010)
From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road, here is the story of Cornelius Suttree, who has forsaken a life of privilege with his prominent family to live in a dilapidated houseboat on the …
None (2010)
From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road • A novel at once fabular and starkly evocative, set is an unspecified place in Appalachia, sometime around the turn of the century. A woman bears …
None (2010)
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The second volume of the award-winning Border Trilogy—From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road—fulfills the promise of All the Pretty Horses and at the same time give us a work …
None (2010)
From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road • In this taut, chilling story, Lester Ballard—a violent, dispossessed man falsely accused of rape—haunts the hill country of East Tennessee when he is released from …
None (2010)
Two men marked by boyhood adventures now stand together, forced to confront a country changing beyond recognition. Cities of the Plain brings Cormac McCarthy's legendary Border Trilogy to its brutal, inevitable conclusion. 'The completed trilogy emerges as a landmark in …
None (2010)
The Crossing forms the second part of Cormac McCarthy's critically acclaimed Border Trilogy, a story that began with All the Pretty Horses and concludes with Cities of the Plain. Set on the south-western ranches in the years before the Second …
None (2010)
25th ANNIVERSARY EDITION • From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road: an epic novel of the violence and depravity that attended America's westward expansion, brilliantly subverting the conventions of the Western novel and …
None (2010)
The acclaimed first novel from one of America's most celebrated novelists, the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road • Set is a remote community in rural Tennessee in the years between the two world …
None (2010)
In this final volume of The Border Trilogy, two men marked by the boyhood adventures of All the Pretty Horses and The Crossing now stand together, in the still point between their vivid pasts and uncertain futures, to confront a …
None (2010)
‘His prose takes on an almost biblical quality, hallucinatory in its effect and evangelical in its power' – Stephen King, author of The Shining and the Dark Tower series 'All the Pretty Horses is indisputably a masterpiece' – Financial Times …
None (2010)
This collection of beautiful, enduring hardcover editions features modern American masterpieces, including works by Nobel Prize and National Book Award winners. With elegant cloth sewn bindings, gold stamped covers, and silk ribbon markers, these classics are an essential for any …
None (2010)
A novel for secondary school English classes with great writing and important themes.
None (2010)
Gli abitanti della contea di Sevier, Tennessee, sono abituati alla violenza della natura, alle tempeste di ghiaccio e alle alluvioni, agli animali da preda che popolano la montagna. Ma quando dal folto dei boschi emerge una creatura mostruosa, vestita di …
None (2010)
A dark, nihilistic tale, Cormac McCarthy's second novel Outer Dark sees brother and sister wander separately through a countryside scourged by three terrifying and elusive strangers. In an unspecified place in Appalachia, sometime around the beginning of the twentieth century, …
None (2010)
In this semi-autobiographical work, a man abandons his life of privilege to live among eccentrics, criminals and the impoverished of Knoxville. Suttree is a humorous, compelling tapestry of life on the edge from Cormac McCarthy, author of The Road and …
None (2010)
A post-apocalyptic classic set in a burned-out America, a father and his young son walk under a darkened sky, heading slowly for the coast. They have no idea what, if anything, awaits them there. The Road is a masterpiece of …
None (2010)
Cormac McCarthy plumbs the depths of human degradation in Child of God, his most brutally violent, shocking work. From the author of Blood Meridian and The Road. 1960s, Tennessee. Lester Ballard is a violent, solitary and introverted young backwoodsman, dispossessed …
None (2010)
«Caro amico adesso nelle polverose ore senza tempo della città... non camminerà anima viva all'infuori di te». Siamo a Knoxville, Tennessee, ed è il 1951. Stiamo per immergerci in sale da biliardo fumose e anfratti marcescenti, e acque melmose che …
None (2010)
«Ce la caveremo, vero, papà? Sí. Ce la caveremo. E non ci succederà niente di male. Esatto. Perché noi portiamo il fuoco. Sí. Perché noi portiamo il fuoco».
None (2009)
A father and son make their way across a post-apocalyptic United States in hopes of finding civilization amongst the nomadic cannibal tribes.
None (2009)
Chinese edition of No Country for Old Men. The choices people make shape their lives. Most often, these one-way paths cannot be repaved. But sometimes, that choice brings joy that one would wake up in the middle of the night …
None (2008)
The story or Cornelius Suttree, who has forsaken a life of privilege with his prominent family to live in a dilapidated houseboat on the Tennessee River near Knoxville. Remaining on the margins of the outcast community there - a brilliantly …
None (2008)
An internationally acclaimed artist whose work has been honored with inclusion in both the Venice Biennale and the Whitney Biennial, James Drake has explored political, social, and universal themes through the media of sculpture, video, installation, photography, and drawing. James …
None (2008)
None (2008)
John Grady Cole, a 16-year-old dispossessed Texan, crosses the Rio Grande into Mexico in 1949, accompanied by his pal Lacey Rawlins. The two precocious horsemen pick up a sidekick--a laughable but deadly marksman named Jimmy Blevins--encounter various adventures on their …
None (2008)
None (2008)
romanzo in forma drammatica Cormac McCarthy. CORMAC MCCARTHY SUNSET LIMITED EINAUDI L'Arcipelago Einaudi 137 Titolo originale The Sunset Limited © 2006. Front Cover.
None (2007)
From the bestselling author of The Passenger and the Pulitzer Prize–winning novel The Road comes a "profoundly disturbing and gorgeously rendered" novel (The Washington Post) that returns to the Texas-Mexico border, setting of the famed Border Trilogy. The time is …
None (2007)
"A father and his son walk alone through burned America. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. It is cold enough to crack stones, and when the snow falls it is gray. The sky is …
None (2007)
None (2007)
Siamo al confine tra Texas e Messico, in un paese che ha abbandonato i vecchi valori per cadere in preda a una violenza cieca e incontrollata. Tale violenza si incarna in Anton Chigurh, un assassino psicopatico munito di un'arma micidiale …
None (2006)
From the bestselling, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Road—a startling encounter on a New York subway platform leads two strangers to a run-down tenement where a life or death decision must be made. In that small apartment, “Black” and “White,” …
None (2006)
All the Pretty Horses
None (2004)
Segunda parte de la Trilogía de la Frontera. Billy y Boyd, dos adolescentes de origen campesino, irán descubriendo las duras reglas del mundo de los adultos, al tiempo que encuentran en la naturaleza el sentido heroico de sus vidas
None (2002)
Cut off from the life of ranching he has come to love by his grandfather's death, John Grady Cole flees to Mexico, where he and his two companions embark on a rugged and cruelly idyllic adventure.
None (1999)
From the acclaimed Pulitzer Prize–winner and one of America's greatest writers: available together in one volume, the three novels of Cormac McCarthy's award-winning and bestselling Border Trilogy constitute a genuine American epic. "An American classic to stand with the finest …
None (1999)
C'est sans doute son innocence monstrueuse qui fait du héros de Cormac McCarthy un serial killer d'une espèce singulière, dont on accompagne presque malgré soi la descente aux enfers, de la misérable maison où il vit à l'écart du monde …
None (1997)
A five-act drama set in Louisville, Kentucky in the 1970s, among four generations of a black family. The stonemason's trade is dying out, and the family's unwillingness to preserve its truths has tragic consequences.
None (1997)
None (1996)
In the Spring of 1975 the film director Richard Pearce approached Cormac McCarthy with the idea of writing a screenplay. Though already a widely acclaimed novelist, the author of such modern classics as The Orchard Keeper and Child of God, …
None (1996)
L'epoca moderna di McCarthy, intrisa di forza biblica, è ambientata nei deserti che si estendono dal Texas al Messico, regno di lupi, cavalli e grandi mandrie di bestiame.
None (1995)
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The second volume of the award-winning Border Trilogy—from the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of The Road—fulfills the promise of All the Pretty Horses and at the same time give us a work that is darker and more visionary, …
None (1994)
By the author of the critically acclaimed Border Trilogy, Outer Dark is a novel at once mythic and starkly evocative, set in an unspecified place in Appalachia sometime around the turn of the century. A woman bears her brother’s child, …
None (1994)
Vol. 1, Àll the pretty horses'. When BIlly and his family come to New Mexico in the 1930s, he becomes obsessed with a wolf whose existence is threatened by ranchers.
None (1993)
The first book in a trilogy centreing on John Grady Cole, the last survivor of long generations of Texas ranchers , who runs off to Mexico after his mother sells their ranch and cuts him off from the only life …
None (1993)
John Grady Cole is the last bewildered survivor of long generations of Texas ranchers. Finding himself cut off from the only life he has ever wanted, he sets out for Mexico with his friend Lacey Rawlins. Befriending a third boy …
None (1989)
None (None)
Num futuro não muito distante, o planeta encontra-se totalmente devastado. As cidades foram transformadas em ruínas e pó, as florestas se transformaram em cinzas, os céus ficaram turvos com a fuligem e os mares se tornaram estéreis. Os poucos sobreviventes …
None (None)
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