Alice Munro (1931)
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None (2022)
Lumen recupera una extraordinaria colección de cuentos de Alice Munro, la autora de Mi vida querida y ganadora del Premio Nobel de Literatura, donde la escritora explora el vínculo entre dos mujeres y su evolución a lo largo de los …
None (2022)
Un libro clave en la obra de Munro, inédito hasta hoy en castellano, que obtuvo el Governor General’s Award y la consagró como la gran narradora que estaba destinada a ser. La magia de Alice Munro, que han invocado tantos …
None (2021)
**Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature** This first-ever selection of Alice Munro's stories sums up her genius. Her territory is the secrets that cackle beneath the façade of everyday lives, the pain and promises, loves and fears of apparently …
None (2021)
Kniha mistrovských povídek kanadské laureátky Nobelovy ceny vyniká přesnou psychologickou drobnokresbou a výstižným zachycením netušených zákoutí lidských povah, duší a charakterů. Každá povídka Alice Munroové je jako rozlehlé sídlo s mnoha místnostmi. A každý pokoj tohoto sídla je dokonale zařízený …
None (2021)
A mother and daughter, caged with the internal strife of stifled desires, trapped ambition, and silenced dreams, seeking more in the world beyond home. "There is a change coming in the lives of girls and women." Del Jordan and her …
None (2021)
"Sur le quai de la gare, un chat noir croise obliquement leur chemin. Elle déteste les chats. Plus encore les chats noirs. Mais elle ne dit rien et réprime un frisson. Comme pour récompenser cette retenue, il annonce qu'il fera …
None (2017)
None (2016)
The Three Stories that Inspired the Movie With a foreword by Pedro Almodóvar Alice Munro is cherished for her exquisite, affecting meditations on the human heart. In these three linked stories, “Chance,” “Soon,” and “Silence”—which, together, inspired Pedro Almodóvar’s film …
None (2016)
A Vintage Shorts “Short Story Month” Selection With hardly any notice, foolish and plain housekeeper Johanna flees her employer and sets off to find the man she’s fallen in love with. Little does she know that her correspondence with him …
None (2016)
The short stories, artwork, and photography included in At Bay Press's latest anthology illuminate the vastness of the human mind. Rich in archetypal themes yet modern in approach, this Fiction Annual is comprised of writing that explores the need to …
None (2016)
Einmal mehr schafft Alice Munro das, was nur die wenigsten Autoren vermögen: Uns Figuren zu schenken, die so lebendig sind, dass wir für einen Moment ganz in ihr Leben tauchen. Da ist Janet, die ihren alten Vater ins Krankenhaus bringen …
None (2016)
Con la mirada profunda y sutil que tanto la caracteriza, Alice Munro nos habla sobre el amor, la traición, el pasado y la experiencia del tiempo. Escribe sobre mujeres de todas las edades y circunstancias, y sobre sus amigos, amantes, …
None (2015)
A Vintage Shorts “Short Story Month” Selection The solution came to the writer one evening: she should have an office. From Nobel Laureate Alice Munro, a brilliantly executed and revelatory story—one of the earliest published works of her career—in which …
None (2015)
From the 2013 Nobel laureate in Literature—and perhaps our most beloved author: a beautifully repackaged reissue of Alice Munro's Selected Stories (1968-1994), now retitled A Wilderness Station Spanning almost thirty years and settings that range from big cities to small …
None (2015)
A New York Times Editors’ Choice Book Spanning almost thirty years and settings that range from big cities to small towns and farmsteads of rural Canada, this magnificent collection brings together twenty-eight stories by a writer of unparalleled wit, generosity, …
None (2015)
Pitkään suomennettavaksi toivottu novellikokoelma on Alice Munroa parhaimmillaan: kuulasta mutta väkevää, julmaa mutta lohdullista.
None (2015)
Vieux couple à la retraite, ils croyaient ne plus avoir grand-chose à vivre en attendant la mort. Mais leur quotidien se trouve brutalement bouleversé par l'irruption d'une figure du passé. Cette vendeuse en cosmétiques qui sonne à la porte, qui …
None (2015)
None (2014)
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 Vintage Readers are a perfect introduction to some of the greatest modern writers presented in attractive, accessible paperback editions. “In Munro’s hands, as in Chekhov’s, a short story is more than big …
None (2014)
A remarkable early collection of stories by Alice Munro, the bestselling author of Dear Life, and one of the greatest fiction writers of our time. ‘Alice Munro’s stories are miraculous’ Sunday Times ‘No one else can – or should be …
None (2014)
Spanning her last five collections and bringing together her finest work from the past fifteen years, this selection of Alice Munro's stories infuses everyday lives with a wealth of nuance and insight. It is written with emotion and empathy.
None (2014)
La selección de los mejores cuentos de Alice Munro, Nobel de Literatura en 2013, hecha por ella misma. «¿Cómo lo hará Alice Munro? Lo que consigue parece magia». Sara Mesa Cuando, una mañana de octubre de 2013, sonó el nombre …
None (2014)
None (2014)
None (2014)
Alice Munro explora las facetas más diversas, profundas e íntimas del amor: desde las relaciones entre padres, hijos y hermanos, hasta la pasión sexual o el amor platónico. Se podría concebir El progreso del amor como unas crónicas de nuestro …
None (2014)
«Nell'opera di Alice Munro la grazia è ovunque, ma stranamente è nascosta: niente può essere previsto. Le emozioni prorompono. I pregiudizi si sgretolano. Le sorprese proliferano. Lo stupore balza fuori all'improvviso. Le azioni malvagie possono avere conseguenze positive. La salvezza …
None (2014)
Dans ce recueil de treize nouvelles, Alice Munro nous emporte avec ses personnages jusqu'aux moments charnières de leurs existences, où tout peut basculer : une mère perd la trace de son enfant, un soldat saute inopinément du train qui le …
None (2014)
None (2014)
Nobelpreis für Literatur 2013 Endlich wieder lieferbar! In einer der Geschichten aus ›Offene Geheimnisse‹ lernt Dorrie den Australier Wilkie kennen. Sie schreiben sich Briefe, und dann zieht Dorrie nach Australien, wo sie keine kanadischen Walnüsse mehr sammelt, sondern Krokodile jagt …
None (2014)
None (2013)
This collection of stories capture the essence of life. Moments of change, chance encounters, the twist of fate that leads a person to a new way of thinking or being. A portrait of how dangerous and strange ordinary life can …
None (2013)
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE Alice Munro's territory is the farms and semi-rural towns of south-western Ontario. In these dazzling stories she deals with the self-discovery of adolescence, the joys and pains of love and the despair and …
None (2013)
None (2013)
Nobelpreis für Literatur 2013 Alice Munro ist die Meisterin der Ambivalenz. Komik und Tragik, scheinbar Alltägliches und Schicksalhaftes oszilliert in ihren Geschichten in immer neuer Intensität, die den Leser nie unberührt lässt. Ein ›literarisches Wunder‹ nannte die New York Times …
None (2013)
Nobelpreis für Literatur 2013 Zu viel oder zu wenig – für das Glück gibt es kein Maß, nie trifft man es richtig. Alice Munros Heldinnen und Helden geht es nicht anders, sie haben das Zuviel und Zuwenig erlebt: eine Balance …
None (2013)
A collection of ten short stories deals with such subjects as a woman haunted by dreams of her dead mother; an adulterous couple; and a widow discovering unpleasant truths about her husband's past.
None (2013)
Das neue Buch der Nobelpreisträgerin Alice Munro! Niemand erzählt eindringlicher davon, wie es wäre, ein neues Leben zu beginnen, als die große kanadische Autorin Alice Munro. ”Dir diesen Brief schreiben ist wie einen Zettel in eine Flasche stecken und hoffen, …
None (2013)
Nobelisti Alice Munro solmii tässäkin kokoelmassa novellinsa löyhästi yhteen. Sen tarinat sijoittuvat Kanadan Ontarioon, pikkukaupunkiin, jonka keskiluokan arkista elämää hän on ennenkin kuvannut. Paikat ja henkilönimet toistuvat muodostaen verkoston, pelilaudan jonka nappuloina ovat ihmiset ja sääntöinä elämä itse. Munro puhuu …
None (2013)
Allt kretsar kring Rose, i tio sammanh©Þngande noveller som sp©Þnner ©œver fyrtio ©Ær. Hon v©Þxer upp i ett fattigt arbetarhem; blyg, klumpig och obekv©Þm. Genom ett stipendium f©Ær hon m©œjlighet att utbilda sig och tr©Þna bort fula vanor. Gifterm©Ælet med …
None (2013)
«Mi resi conto che alcune cose dovevano essere scritte da me». Sono le parole di Alice Munro a proposito di Danza delle ombre felici , la sua prima raccolta di racconti, pubblicata nel 1968. Vi si trovano i personaggi, i …
None (2012)
With her peerless ability to give us the essence of a life in often brief but spacious and timeless stories, Alice Munro illumines the moment a life is shaped -- the moment a dream, or sex, or perhaps a simple …
None (2012)
Nobelpreis für Literatur 2013 Alice Munro: Jonathan Franzen zählt sie zu den größten Erzählern der Welt und stellt sie über Tschechow, und für Doris Dörrie »schärft sie die Sinne«. Doch wie hat Alice Munro ihre Kunst entdeckt?
None (2012)
Frühe Erzählungen der kanadischen Autorin in deutscher Erstausgabe, die bereits ihr ganzes Themenspektrum umfassen: Kindheit, Mutterschaft, Ehe und Beziehung, aber auch Krankheit und die Natur Kanadas sind ihre zentralen Aspekte.
None (2012)
«Leggete tutto di Alice Munro, ma per cominciare leggete Chi ti credi di essere? Sí, cominciate da quello». Jonathan Franzen *** Con Chi ti credi di essere? , pubblicato nel 1978, Alice Munro ha vinto il Governor General's Literary Award.
None (2011)
The debut novel from Nobel Prize–winning author Alice Munro, “one of the most eloquent and gifted writers of contemporary fiction” (The New York Times). “Munro has an unerring talent for uncovering the extraordinary in the ordinary.”—Newsweek Rural Ontario, 1940s. Del …
None (2011)
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 In the thirteen stories in her remarkable second collection, Alice Munro demonstrates the precise observation, straightforward prose style, and masterful technique that led no less a critic than John Updike to compare …
None (2011)
A fleeting affair lingers in the memory of a woman. Thirty years after the event, when both husband and lover have died, she remembers one further detail. Part of the Storycuts series, this short story was previously published in the …
None (2011)
‘Munro is still one of our most fearless explorers of the human being, as she descends, time and again, headlamp on full beam, pickaxe and butter-knife at the ready’ The Times Spanning her last five collections and bringing together her …
None (2011)
When her sick husband carries out a long-agreed-upon plan in her absence, Nina is unable to deny shock and grief from taking hold. This story recounts the married life of the couple, the aftermath of a death, and the stubbornness …
None (2011)
Lorna finds herself strangely attracted to Lionel, a former maths prodigy and student of her husband's. When family affairs call him away and his absence coincides with the unwelcome visit of her cousin, she grows ill at ease. Part of …
None (2011)
A consultation with an oncologist disrupts Jinny's resolutions and resignations, and she must confront issues she'd hitherto been content to let lie. Leaving her husband to his distractions, she allows a strange boy to drive her home by way of …
None (2011)
When two teenage girls fabricate one end of a correspondence, they leave a lonely, unprepossessing housemaid with some sadly misguided ideas. The prank upsets several lives, even if all the pieces don't tip over in the expected directions. Part of …
None (2011)
When Queenie elopes with a recently widowed neighbour her family are uniformly shocked, and a window on adult life and relationships is opened for her step-sister. A summertime stay with the newlyweds in Toronto yields further insight into the lives …
None (2011)
Childhood friends, whose affectionate relationship suffered an abrupt disruption, are reunited unexpectedly in the home of a mutual acquaintance. Both bear the marks of life's disappointments as they set about renegotiating the terms of their association. When they choose to …
None (2011)
A reluctant decision is made to put Fiona in a home catering for those suffering from Alzheimer's. When her husband, Grant, comes to see her, he is confused and dismayed to learn that she has struck up a close relationship …
None (2011)
None (2011)
None (2011)
Felicità? Troppa felicità? Nel triplice omicidio di Dimensioni o in quello di Radicali liberi ? La felicità, in queste nuove storie di Alice Munro, sta in un inedito potere creativo, nel potenziale di spregiudicatezza e libertà della vecchiaia, quando si …
None (2010)
Dimensions; Fiction; Wenlock Edge; Deep-Holes; Free radicals; Face; Some Women; Child's Play; Wood; Too Much Happiness
None (2010)
The View from Castle Rock traces the generations of Munro's family, from the title story—where through a haze of whiskey Alice's ancestors gaze north from Edinburgh Castle at the Fife coast, believing that it is North America—to Munro's first person …
None (2010)
Una vera e propria anatomia del cuore e dell'animo femminile.
None (2010)
Collection of twelve short stories by Canadian writer, Alice Munro.
None (2010)
Los cuentos de Las lunas de Júpiter indagan en la vida de mujeres atrapadas en la rutina, invisibles, abnegadas y aparentemente conformadas con ser un mero satélite del marido o el padre enfermo al que cuidan, pero esperando, siempre, encontrar …
None (2009)
My Best Stories is a dazzling selection of stories—seventeen favourites chosen by the author from across her distinguished career. The stories are arranged in the order in which they were written, allowing even the most devoted Munro admirer to discover …
None (2009)
Nine new short works include the stories of a grieving mother who is aided by a surprising source, a woman's response to a humiliating seduction, and a nineteenth-century Russian âemigrâe's winter journey to the Riviera.
None (2009)
None (2008)
In this superb collection from one of our finest writers, nine stories draw us immediately into that special place known as Alice Munro territory—a place where an unexpected twist of events or a suddenly recaptured memory can trace the arc …
None (2008)
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE® IN LITERATURE 2013 Alice Munro mines her rich family background, melding it with her own experiences and the transforming power of her brilliant imagination, to create perhaps her most powerful and personal collection yet. A …
None (2008)
Drei Erzählungen und ein kurzer Roman - abgründige Geschichten, die wie Idyllen beginnen, Kammerspiele des Gefühls - und dabei sprachliche Kunstwerke. ”Munro arbeitet auf einer Ebene von Raffinement und Intelligenz, die man analysieren kann, ohne hinterher zu wissen, was sie …
None (2008)
Elles partent. Fuguent. S'enfuient. S'en vont voir ailleurs. Elles : des femmes comme les autres. Par usure ou par hasard, un beau matin, elles quittent le domicile familial (ou conjugal), sans se retourner. En huit nouvelles, Alice Munro met en …
None (2008)
Die große Meisterin der Kurzgeschichte erzählt von den Verwirrungen der Liebe: Ausgerechnet auf einer Beerdigung lernt Meriel Eric kennen - und für einen Nachmittag lieben. Rosemary dagegen hatte ihr Leben für Derek geändert, nur um ihn wieder an Ann zu …
None (2008)
None (2008)
Alice Munro. ALICE MUNRO LE LUNE DI GIOVE EINAUDI Titolo originale The Moons of Jupiter 1977 , 1978 ,. Front Cover.
None (2007)
Away From Her is a stunning collection of nine short stories that deal with the substance of adult life. They draw us immediately into that special place known as Alice Munro Territory - where an unexpected twist or a suddenly …
None (2007)
With an Introduction by Bonnie Burnard In Friend of My Youth, Alice Munro dazzles with her finely nuanced depictions of the human heart. These 10 stories bring to life characters in a remarkable variety of times and places, as real …
None (2006)
"Munro's work endures-its wholeness of vision, its complexity of feeling, its tolerance of mind." —Lorrie Moore The characters who populate an Alice Munro story live and breathe; in the finely drawn detail of their lives we find a reflection of …
None (2006)
A dazzling selection of stories--17 favorites picked by the author--are collected here in one volume for the first time.
None (2006)
Rose and her stepmother, Flo, live in Hanratty-across the bridge from the "good" part of town. Rose, alternately fascinated and appalled by the rude energy of the people around her, grows up nursing her hope of outgrowing her humble beginnings …
None (2006)
"There are relatively few unrivalled writers writing now. Munro is one." —Richard Ford With the ease and mastery that have won extraordinary acclaim for her writing, these eleven stories by Alice Munro explore the most intimate and transforming moments of …
None (2005)
The matchless Munro makes art out of everyday lives in this dazzling new collection. At its centre are three stories connected into one marvellously rich narrative about Juliet - who escapes from teaching at a girls' school and throws herself …
None (2005)
In the stories that make up Dance of the Happy Shades, the deceptive calm of small-town life is brought memorably to the page, revealing the countryside of Southwestern Ontario to be home to as many small sufferings and unanticipated emotions …
None (2005)
None (2004)
None (2003)
Alice Munro is universally acknowledged as the finest short fiction writer in English. Bringing together ten incomparable stories from six different collections, No Love Lost confirms her pre-eminent status. Focusing on the many paths of falling in love, each of …
None (2003)
None (2003)
Alice Munro is universally acknowledged as the finest short fiction writer in English. Bringing together ten incomparable stories from six different collections, No Love Lost confirms her pre-eminent status. Focusing on the many paths of falling in love, each of …
None (2000)
Eleven stories, including "Miles City, Montana", "Lichen", and "White dump", reveal the nature of the power of love between children and parents, between siblings, and between estranged lovers.
None (1999)
Eight new stories about what people will do for love, and the unexpected routes their passion will force them to take. A prim, old landlady in Vancouver with a crime of passion lurking in her past. A young mother with …
None (1999)
None (1999)
None (1998)
A young girl gets an unexpected glimpse into her father's past. A married woman tries to release her homebound sister after the death of their mother. The audience at a piano recital receives a transforming surprise. These early stories conjure …
None (1997)
None (1996)
A selection of the stories of Alice Munro, from her earliest published work in 1968 to her latest in 1994. Monro won the 1994 W.H. Smith Award, and was shortlisted for the Irish Times International Fiction Award in 1995. Her …
None (1996)
None (1996)
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE(R) IN LITERATURE 2013 In the thirteen stories in her remarkable second collection, Alice Munro demonstrates the precise observation, straightforward prose style, and masterful technique that led no less a critic than John Updike to compare …
None (1995)
Eight short stories set in Australia.
None (1991)
Originally published as: Who do you think you are? 1978.
None (1991)
None (1991)
None (1990)
In the powerful, haunting stories of Munro's new collection, men and women, in the midst of contemporary quandaries and crises, recall the long-buried yearnings, dreams, and hard choices that have given shape to their lives. Copyright © Libri GmbH. All …
None (1990)
Thirteen Stories Alice Munro. PENGUIN BOOKS Something I've Been Meaning to Tell You Alice Munro was born and grew up in Wingham , Ontario . After high school she spent two years at the University of Western Ontario , married …
None (1984)
WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE� IN LITERATURE 2013 In the thirteen stories in her remarkable second collection, Alice Munro demonstrates the precise observation, straightforward prose style, and masterful technique that led no less a critic than John Updike to compare …
None (1984)
None (1983)
Del Jordan recalls the many phases of growing up in the 1940s and 1950s.
None (1974)
The only novel from Alice Munro-award-winning author of The Love of a Good Woman--is an insightful, honest book, "autobiographical in form but not in fact," that chronicles a young girl's growing up in rural Ontario in the 1940's. Del Jordan …
None (1973)
"Lives of Girls and Women" is the intensely readable, touching, and very funny story of Del Jordan, a young woman who journeys from the carelessness of childhood through an uneasy adolescence in search of love and sexual experience. As Del …
None (1973)
Fifteen stories about life in rural Ontario deal with adolescence, loneliness, broken hearts, an abandoned wife, family relations, blind dates, and an aspiring writer.
None (None)
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