Báječná léta pod psa

1997  |  Czech fiction  |  260 stran
Báječná léta pod psa

A young mother and father are expecting their first baby. They have already agreed on a name - Quido. The baby is due to be born on August 5, but because nothing happens as planned, Quido is born earlier, during the performance Waiting for Godot written by Samuel Beckett. This might have influenced his life because since that moment he seems to be a genius boy. Of course his intelligence makes him trouble during his teenage years at school and also during his attempts to get a girlfriend. Eventually he manages to pick the right one. For Quido everything suddenly looks wonderful, when another disaster comes. His father starts to suffer from persecution mania after he has been degraded from his job and asked to come to a police interrogation. He changes completely and thinks that the situation becomes unbearable. That's why he is making himself a coffin--from website.

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Báječná léta pod psa

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